

轉職熱搜 |



  • 家教網-客服專員(薪30000,內勤,近高雄火車站) 公司網址https://www.facebook.com/groups/tutors.tw

    月薪 30000元 高雄市三民區 工作經歷不拘
    我們是一間政府立案的家教中心,近高雄火車站及高醫旁 (公司網址https://www.facebook.com/groups/tutors.tw) 我們中心從事的是一對一到府家教介紹 主要客戶群是接家教的大學生及請家教老師的家長 性質是內勤,行政工作,不用跑外面,沒有業績壓力,公司環境單純 客服人員主要工作是 1.接聽電話 2.簡單文書處理(會word及excel即可) 3.FB或LINE操作 4.簡易電腦操作,打字不能太慢 工作時間: 星期一到星期五0900-1800 中午1230-1330休息 福利:三節獎金+年終獎金+不定期公司旅遊+績效獎金 歡迎個性外向積極的你 加入中心行列 有勞健保 意者請麻煩先寄履歷表(附大頭照,最好自己設計履歷表) 中心信箱:a0920256149@gmail.com TEL:0978-638-718 中心審核後,會再通知面試時間(請勿自行前往面試) 家教網敬上
  • 財會專員(儲備主管,小港南星計劃區) (Finance Executive)

    月薪 40000元 高雄市小港區 2~3年工作經驗
    -) Handle all AR, AP & GL functions (處理應收、應付、總帳) -) Responsible for Cash flow management (現金流管理) -) Prepare and submit timely and accurate monthly financial and management reports and perform financial analysis (準備並提交及時、準確的月財務報表和管理報告並進行財務分析) -) Responsible for other weekly, monthly, quarterly, yearly reporting packages, and other ad hoc reports required by HQ (負責其他每週、月度、季度、年度報告,包含總部所需的其他專案報告) -) Prepare yearly budget and quarterly forecast and review of actual performance against budget and forecast and provide explanations for major variances (準備年度預算、季度預測、依據預算及預測值審查實際狀況,並提供重大差異的解釋) -) Prepare monthly tax computation based on IFRS Standards (依據IFRS準備每月稅務計算) -) Ensure compliance with financial, statutory and regulatory legislation, policies and procedures and deadlines, including liaising with Singapore Finance team, lawyer, external professional and government bodies on audit, tax, secretarial and any other finance issues (確保遵守財政、法律、法規、政策、作業程序和時效,包括與新加坡財務部、律師、外部專業人員及政府機構在審計、稅務、秘書和任何其他財務問題的聯絡) -) Monitor Admin. & HR. (監看行政總務及人力資源事務) -) Other duties as assigned (其他主管指派任務) -) Reinforce Access World Group culture, values and reputation (並遵從公司文化、 價值和信譽) -) Ensure compliance to Glencore Xstrata Group Compliance Policies and Code of Conduct. (遵守嘉能可集團政策和行為守則)
  • 家教網行政 薪28000(內勤,大學夜間部可,近高雄火車站) 公司網址https://www.facebook.com/groups/tutors.tw

    月薪 28000元 高雄市三民區 工作經歷不拘
    我們是一間政府立案的家教中心,近高雄火車站及高醫旁 (公司網址https://www.facebook.com/groups/tutors.tw) 我們中心從事的是一對一到府家教媒介 主要客戶群是接家教的大學生及請家教老師的家長 性質是內勤,行政工作,不用跑外面,沒有業績壓力,公司環境單純 主要工作是 1.接聽電話 2.簡單文書處理(會word及excel即可) 3.FB或LINE操作 4.簡易電腦操作,打字不能太慢 一分鐘50字以上 工作時間: 星期一到星期五0900-1700 中午休息一個小時(1230-1330休息) 福利:三節獎金+年終獎金+不定期公司旅遊 歡迎個性外向積極的你 加入中心行列 有勞健保 意者請麻煩先寄履歷表(附大頭照,最好自己設計履歷表)到 中心信箱:a0920256149@gmail.com TEL:0978-638-718 中心審核後,會再通知面試時間(請勿自行前往面試) 家教網敬上
  • 晚班行政助理(大學生可)網址:https://www.facebook.com/groups/tutors.tw

    時薪 183元 高雄市三民區 工作經歷不拘
    我們是一間政府立案的家教中心 (公司網址:https://www.facebook.com/groups/tutors.tw) 我們中心從事的是一對一到府家教介紹 主要客戶群是一般大學生及請家教的家長 內勤,行政工作,公司環境單純 客服人員主要工作是 1.接聽電話 2.簡單文書處理(word及excel即可) 3.FB或LINE操作 4.部落格po文(bbs) ps:打字不能太慢,50字以上 工作時間-星期一到星期五1500-1930 或1600-1930 若沒辦法每天可在調整 歡迎不喜歡請假,字跡端正,個性積極外向的你,加入中心行列 意者請麻煩先寄附大頭照的履歷表(自行設計佳)到中心信箱-(勿直接過來) a0920256149@gmail.com 公司電話:07-31616808 0920256149 家教網敬上
  • 人資助理

    月薪 28000元 台中市西屯區 2~3年工作經驗
    1.新進人員各項相關資料、影像掃描及目錄建檔 2.處理員工人事派令資料 3.協助公司有關人事資料之查詢與答覆事項 4.製作公司新進人員到離職證明 5.保存公司員工的人力資源紀錄 6.公司發文文件檔案的建立及管理 7.協助處理主管所交辦的其他事項
  • 人資管理師

    月薪 35000~40000元 台南市南區 2~3年工作經驗
    1.人資選、用、育、留之規畫與執行 2.訓練發展體系維持與執行、各職務招募任用、薪酬福利優化等。 3.有任用、勞健保、考勤控管、薪資核算之實務經驗 4.其他人資部內相關支援工作 5.主管及公司指派之任務 6.有鼎新HR使用經驗尤佳 7.有負責招募、教育訓練或推行TTQS、社會責任認證的實務經驗尤佳
  • 儲備幹部(嘉義廠)

    月薪 28000~45000元 嘉義縣水上鄉 1~2年工作經驗
    1.透過公司全方位訓練,依技能進行職務分配 2.協助公司員工訓練諮詢 3.安排人員調度、監督管理 4.管理基層員工 5.開發公司業務
  • 1-J1 教育訓練管理師

    月薪 38000元 桃園市桃園區 2~3年工作經驗
    1.各類教育訓練課程推動與優化 2.課程專案窗口(開課/隨課執行/課程檢核/結案歸檔) 3.教育訓練相關專案/活動執行 4.知識文件手冊/訓練教材製作與維護 5.主管交辦事項 粉絲頁按讚追蹤饗賓及時訊息: Facebook饗賓招募粉絲頁:https://www.facebook.com/eatogether.hr/ *******饗賓餐飲集團誠摯邀請您的加入,成為最受期待的餐飲集團*******
  • HR Relationship Manager (HR Business Partner)

    面議(經常性薪資達4萬元或以上) 台北市內湖區 8~9年工作經驗
    Group Human Resources has the important role of attracting, retaining, and nurturing talent to ensure that DBS continues to be a competitive employer in Asia. With a well-established team of HR partners, we support and deliver effective people-based solutions and services across businesses. Our goal is to build a high-performance organisation by empowering and engaging our employees. Because we believe that banking is about people. The role is to provide HR advice to Business & Support Units (BUs/SUs) on all HR issues to achieve business goals. It includes planning, developing & implementing HR strategies within & across units on Reward Management, Talent Acquisition & Development and HR Strategy & Management. Key Accountability: • Engage and proactively partner the Business Unit Heads in understanding their business needs and provide strategic advice and initiatives to achieve the business goals • Provide the strategic interface to senior managers / stakeholders through the provision of high quality guidance and support in developing and progressing people management solutions to achieve business objectives • Drive and support the development and delivery of cultural change plans and interventions • Coach, support, mentor and challenge managers in the application of HR policies and practices, provide advice and guidance on complex HR issues in order to minimize Risk and financial exposure • Work in partnership with specialists Human Resources to ensure coordination in project / policy development and the enhancement of information provision and services to employees • Plan, develop & organize communication sessions for staff on all programs while addressing specific business requirements and employee engagement topics. • Work with Group HR on possible regional initiatives to drive change across the BUs/SUs in Taiwan; ensure that all programs & activities roll out are aligned with group policies & local statutory requirements. This job description provides a high-level review of the types of work performed. Other job-related duties may be assigned as required.
  • Business HR Partner

    面議(經常性薪資達4萬元或以上) 台北市內湖區 8~9年工作經驗
    Business Function Group Human Resources has the important role of attracting, retaining, and nurturing talent to ensure that DBS continues to be a competitive employer in Asia. With a well-established team of HR partners, we support and deliver effective people-based solutions and services across businesses. Our goal is to build a high-performance organisation by empowering and engaging our employees. Because we believe that banking is about people. The role is to provide HR advice to Business & Support Units (BUs/SUs) on all HR issues to achieve business goals. It includes planning, developing & implementing HR strategies within & across units on Reward Management, Talent Acquisition & Development and HR Strategy & Management. Key Accountability: • Engage and proactively partner the Business Unit Heads in understanding their business needs and provide strategic advice and initiatives to achieve the business goals • Provide the strategic interface to senior managers / stakeholders through the provision of high quality guidance and support in developing and progressing people management solutions to achieve business objectives • Drive and support the development and delivery of cultural change plans and interventions • Coach, support, mentor and challenge managers in the application of HR policies and practices, provide advice and guidance on complex HR issues in order to minimize Risk and financial exposure • Work in partnership with specialists Human Resources to ensure coordination in project / policy development and the enhancement of information provision and services to employees • Plan, develop & organize communication sessions for staff on all programs while addressing specific business requirements and employee engagement topics. • Work with Group HR on possible regional initiatives to drive change across the BUs/SUs in Taiwan; ensure that all programs & activities roll out are aligned with group policies & local statutory requirements.
  • 就近工作 就近工作