

轉職熱搜 |



  • 廠務副理A1

    面議(經常性薪資達4萬元或以上) 40000元 新竹市東區 5~6年工作經驗
    1.擔任公司集團(包含海外辦公室)再生能源分析購買、能源管理、溫室氣體盤查、節能減碳、淨零碳排規劃統籌專案管理人員。 2.公司集團淨零碳排路徑協助 KPI訂定及 ESG永續發展及相關綠色能源推動購買、報告、環境建構等。 3.熟悉ISO14064-1:2018、ISO50001(能源基線、能源績效)相關環境及能源管理系統推動業務統籌。 4.跨部門(含海外辦公室)節能減碳專案推行,彙整統籌相關數據報告。 5.協助電力問題分析改善。
  • 環安衛課長(蘆竹廠)

    面議(經常性薪資達4萬元或以上) 桃園市蘆竹區 3~4年工作經驗
    加入德微、成就巍巍!歡迎您加入德微~! 1.各項環安衛工作規劃與執行、例行性巡檢 2.ISO14001環境管理系統、未來執行ISO45001職安管理系統之管理系統通過與證照取得 3.負責RBA規範運作及ESG規劃與執行 4.擔任環安衛新人訓講師 5.環保相關業務(空水污/廢棄物/噪音)等作業協助。 6.化學品管理規劃與執行 7.承攬管理、防災及緊急應變規劃 8.協助四大計畫規劃及執行 9.其他主管交辦事項
  • 總工程師/特別助理(總經理室,工作地:台北總公司)

    面議(經常性薪資達4萬元或以上) 台北市內湖區 20~21年工作經驗
    1. 輔佐總裁、董事長、總經理綜理本公司(含子公司)經營管理相關業務。 2. 統籌及督導各專案之開發、報價、推動、執行(包含工程簡報、工程報價、工程進度、施工品質、專案成本管控)。 3. 協助擬定公司中長期營運目標及計劃,參與公司重大決策事宜。 4. 強化經驗傳承、教育訓練、及建立知識管理平台。 5. 協助推動ESG、節能減碳、循環經濟、數位轉型及組織創新與變革。 6. 總裁、董事長、總經理交辦事項。
  • 永續發展顧問 (台北)

    面議(經常性薪資達4萬元或以上) 新北市五股區 3~4年工作經驗
    1.為客戶提供電子電器類產品、食品接觸材料等國內外法規之檢測解決方案。 2.針對綠色產品製造、碳循環等永續發展議題提供完整規畫及輔導。 3.依系統廠客戶需求,擔任供應商大會或廠內法規教育訓練講師。 4.擔任例行性研討會的講師。 5.研讀法規,開發新生意及新服務。 6.撰寫網頁新聞及電子報(E&E各化學法規有重大更新時)。 7.TW RoHS/ITA RoHS註冊登錄相關執行事宜。
  • 管理部主管

    面議(經常性薪資達4萬元或以上) 60000元 彰化縣鹿港鎮 1~2年工作經驗
    1.人力資源 選、用、育、留規劃與執行,使企業具備人才招募優勢。 2.人資相關業務執行,新進任用、異動、績效考核、出勤、薪資計算、離職...等。 3.協助年度活動規劃執行。 4.協助公司組織規劃,工作制度流程持續優化、文件管理等。 5.協助集團進行文件管理(包含文件發行、更版、作廢等相關事宜)。 6.協助集團稽核文件準備及稽核應對(如:ISO9001、ISO14001、CSR、ESG等相關外部稽核)。 7.協助外籍移工管理作業。 8.協助建廠專案進行。 9.主管交辦事項。
  • [IFM] Facilities Coordinator 總務人員 (新北市林口區)

    面議(經常性薪資達4萬元或以上) 40000元 新北市林口區 2~3年工作經驗
    As a Facilities Coordinator, you will be responsible for coordinating and managing various facility-related tasks to ensure smooth operations in support of the company‘s daily activities. This role requires excellent communication and coordination skills, as well as a strong team-oriented mindset. Key responsibilities include waste declaration, cleaning staff management, cleaning-related preventive maintenance (PPM) tasks, entry permit application, room usage change management (system/document/access rights), monthly briefing, and incident reporting. Additionally, you will be required to liaise regularly with EHS team, ESG team, and relevant cleaning vendors. Job Responsibilities: 1. Ensure compliance with waste declaration procedures and collaborate with relevant teams. 2. Manage cleaning staff to ensure timely completion of cleaning tasks and maintain a conducive working environment. 3. Maintain cleaning-related preventive maintenance, such as regular inspections and servicing of cleaning equipment. 4. Process entry permit applications and coordinate with departments and vendors to ensure smooth workflow. 5. Manage room usage changes, including updating and maintaining systems, documents, and access rights. 6. Prepare monthly reports summarizing work progress and relevant metrics, and promptly inform the respective teams. 7. Assist in handling incident reports and follow up on corrective actions.
  • E8651 ICT系統整合業務主管(金融業/管理職)

    面議(經常性薪資達4萬元或以上) 40000元 台北市內湖區 10~11年工作經驗
    1. 開發暨維護金融客戶需求,確保營收持續增長並創造更高業績。 2. 提供客戶專業的顧問式服務,協助挖掘痛點,導入提升營運效率及創新商轉之技術應用。 3. 提供金融產業電信服務及ICT整合方案,協助金融客戶數位轉型。 4. 全面優化既有業務與服務品質,創造金融市場新定位。 5. 因應金融科技需求,提供金融業ICT銷售服務。 6. 制定及執行銷售策略及計劃,帶領團隊達到部門營業目標。 7. 因應ESG議題提供金融產業客戶IDC Total Solution 。 【了解遠傳企客服務】
  • Q1000 訓練發展資深專員

    面議(經常性薪資達4萬元或以上) 台北市內湖區 3~4年工作經驗
    momo正在尋找對人才培育充滿熱忱的您,希望能與您一起為每一位momo人創造更好的未來,共創人才價值!!! ▋ 工作內容 1.獨立規劃與執行年度培訓課程、共通課程(含訓練需求分析評估、提案與執行及學習成效檢視)。 2.跨單位與內外部培訓資源合作,培訓規劃、執行與結案追蹤。 3.依組織目標規劃與執行工作坊及策略會議。 4.辦理集團及內部員工關係活動。 5.線上學習平台發展相關業務與成效分析。 6.推動人才培育相關計畫及其他ESG專案規劃、執行與支援。
  • 業務經理

    面議(經常性薪資達4萬元或以上) 台北市信義區 5~6年工作經驗
    1.可獨立作業,負責客戶開發、產品銷售、客戶維繫與售後服務) 2.對未來10年最夯的事業,CBAM碳關稅計算與申報、金管會主推的ESG企業社會責任、ISO14064-1組織碳盤查、ISO14067產品碳足跡的顧問輔導市場有興趣者且有強烈意願深耕市場者, 3. 對ISO50001能源管理及企業節能減碳市場,每年200%成長有興趣者, 4. 負責顧問服務業務與相對的軟體系統業務市場開發銷售,有信心者。 3.有上進心,肯學習與付出. 4.善溝通,抗壓性高 5.積極、勤快、負責、有衝勁,對業績達成有強烈的慾望,採高獎金制度 6.會開車.
  • 【2024 Campus Recruitment】TSMC Materials Management & Risk Management Engineer

    面議(經常性薪資達4萬元或以上) 新竹縣寶山鄉 工作經歷不拘
    【本職缺僅接受台積電官方網站投遞】 請至台積電官方網站投遞個人履歷表,此職缺履歷登錄網址: Description: 【Planner】 1. Demand forecast and supply planning to ensure requirements fulfilled 2. Supplier management to ensure reliable delivery and replenishment 3. Usage and qualification management to ensure efficient supply chain operation 4. Lead/coordinate cross functional enhancement project(s) for supply chain excellence 【Material Buyer】 1. Manage suppliers‘ relationships and their quality, cost, delivery, service and sustainability toward reliable and cost effective supply chain 2. Develop procurement strategies and enhance/execute collaborations with suppliers and TSMC‘s RD/Operations 3. Lead projects related to TSMC‘s supply chain excellence 【Parts Buyer】 1. Procurement system improvement and development to enhance the productivity and efficiency during sourcing to payment. 2. System development and analysis of parts data-master to find out the opportunities of cost reduction. 3. Parts related procurement and purchase order management. 4. Procurement methodology development and process improvement. 5. Vendor and supply chain management. 【Global Equipment Sourcing & Purchasing Engineer】 1. Purchase equipment, parts and services that aligned with production rates. Develops and manage worldwide suppliers’ partnership with leading sourcing, procurement. 2. Develop and manage commodity strategies and tactical plans; recommend changes in purchasing and material management policies as needed. 3. Deliver YOY cost reduction projects, supplier consolidation, and contract negotiations. 4. Lead project related to TSMC supply chain excellence. 【Supply Chain Logistic Management Engineer】 Your main responsibilities include, but are not limited to: 1. Lead cross-functional members to achieve supply chain excellence 2. Initiate and implement continuous logistics and warehouse process improvement project/task Please refer to TSMC ESG Spotlight: 3. Study and introduce leading-edge logistics/warehouse automation, including hardware and software(e.g., ASRS, AGV, Robot, B2B data flow, and RPA) Please refer to TSMC ESG Spotlight: 4. Lead teammates and collaborate with suppliers to achieve supply chain excellence in materials preparation 5. Conduct training program to cultivate SCM logistics specialist 【Resource Recovery Management Engineer】 Your main responsibilities include, but are not limited to: 1. Initiate and implement waste management improvement project/task 2. Lead cross-functional members to conduct waste reduction 3. Familiar with waste management rule and law to survey and audit waste disposal vendors 4. Conduct waste operation in waste transfer, waste disposal and industrial waste disposal plan application(廢清書申請) 【Global Logistics Management Engineer】 Your main responsibilities include, but are not limited to: 1. Communicates effectively and positively with clients, colleagues, and vendors. 2. Prepare and process related activities as required for the Customs Clearance of import and export shipments 3. Compile, verify accuracy, to deal with shipments and Customs declaration with solid experience 4. Supervises transportation and logistics solution services and activities 5. Manage compliance requirements, such as to handle Customs auditing, comply with Trade Law 6. Develop and implement logistics solutions to ensure delivery target is fulfilled 7. Manage the KPI of Logistics Service Providers 8. Review and handle logistics related payment operations 9. Conduct digital transformation and continuous improvements for logistics model excellence 10. Develop global logistics network and local regulation compliance solutions 【Green/Responsible Supply Chain Management Engineer】 Your main responsibilities include, but are not limited to: 1. Work with cross-functional members to achieve supply chain excellence (especially ESG aspect) 2. Initiate and implement green/responsible supply chain management improvement project/task 3. Manage key supplier‘s emission and facilitate suppliers to develop emission reduction initiatives. 4. Conduct training program to TSMC‘s key suppliers. 5. Support various reporting structures and sustainability index, including GRI, TCFD, EP&L, DJSI, CDP etc. 6. Provide analysis and other support for key strategic and compliance projects related to environmental data, metrics, and inventories. Qualifications: 1. Master‘s degree major in engineering/business related fields. 2. Good business sense and logical thinking. 3. Good communication and project coordination skills. 4. Fluent in English, with experience in related field.
  • 就近工作 就近工作