Athletic Facilities Assistant總務組體育/活動助理
月薪 31020~37600元 台北市士林區 1~2年工作經驗Job Summary: Manage, oversee and set up equipment and facility to make sure all events and parent’s bookings can start on time and run smoothly. Key Responsibilities: 1. Check facilities (including but not limited to gyms, fields and tennis courts before the PE classes start, make marking lines on turf and upper field, inventory check, etc) to ensure the facility is set up and restored according to instructional and extra-curricular needs. 2. Manage, oversee, set up equipment and facilities, and stand by during the event to ensure facility and equipment needs are met. 3. Check for need for maintenance to ensure the equipment and facility are in good condition. 4. Follow the parent and faculty rental management requirement, perform each task as stated in the facilities department SOPs and ensure issues and problems are addressed in a timely manner to the supervisors for resolution and follow up. 5. Follow the instructions of each service order, complete the tasks per the assigned timeline and agreed requirement, and ensure issues and problems are addressed in a timely manner to the supervisors for resolution and follow up. 6. Follow the facilities department SOPs and agreed operational standards to ensure all events and parent’s bookings can start on time and run smoothly. 7. Serves on the search team during school declared emergencies, e.g. fire drill, to ensure safety of all in school. 8. Work with PE and Athletics teams to provide timely support to meet athletic events requirements and PE schedules. 9. Other duties assigned by the supervisors. Selection criteria: • College diploma, major in physical education related preferred; experience in sports or fitness related field • Basic English. Mandarin fluency • Knowledge of sports rules and regulations, sports/activities need in terms of facility and equipment • Knowledge of dimensions & inventory check • Effective time management, communication and organizing skills • Computer skill in MS Office • Able to lift and carry 25kg • Must be willing to work flexible hours on weekdays and weekends in order to meet TAS athletic events and PE schedule 10-month position every school year Work Schedule: Friday to Tuesday Monday, Tuesday, Friday 11:00AM to 20:00PM Saturday 07:00AM to 16:00PM Sunday 07:30AM to 16:30PM (This may be subject to change and schedule flexibility is expected per the facilities service requirements.)展開 -
【桃園蘆竹】運輸調度助理 / Fleet Operations Assistant(FOA)
月薪 32000元 桃園市蘆竹區 2~3年工作經驗1.文書處理:熟電腦文書系統(Word、Excel、Outlook)之操作 2.收發、記錄及彙整交易產生之原始憑證,並登錄 3.處理客戶應收款項帳務、廠商貨款或費用等應付款項帳務 4.客戶關係維護 5.協助規劃並調度車趟班次 6.車輛維護保養管理,及人員休假管理,以確保行車安全 7.承載容器管理 8.客戶溝通協調 9.單位調度溝通協調 10.主管交辦事項展開 -
物流調度管理助理(中壢) / Logistics Dispatch Assistant(LDA)
月薪 33000~40000元 桃園市中壢區 2~3年工作經驗【工作內容】 1.文書處理:熟電腦文書系統(Word、Excel、Outlook)之操作 2.收發、記錄及彙整交易產生之原始憑證,並登錄 3.單據整理、資料輸入 4.客戶關係維護 5.協助規劃並調度車趟班次 6.車輛維護保養管理,及人員休假管理,以確保行車安全 7.承載容器管理 8.客戶溝通協調 9.單位調度溝通協調 10.異常或緊急事件處理 11.主管交辦事項 12.態度積極、願意學習、有責任心。 【福 利】 基本勞健保外,年終獎金、生日禮金、中秋禮盒、結婚/生育禮金、尾牙/春酒摸彩、不定期下午茶、零食區等等… *歡迎對工作有熱情的夥伴加入!展開 -
資材部 物流組(助理)工程師_Logistic (Assistant) Engineer
月薪 31100~34000元 台中市潭子區 工作經歷不拘1.倉儲管理相關作業(原物料倉庫、成品倉庫) 2.庫存料帳管理相關作業 3.冷鏈物流相關作業 4.協助 GMP相關文件撰寫、執行 5.其他主管交辦事項 作業環境:恆溫空調倉庫 & 冷藏倉庫展開 -
廠務部(助理)製程工程師__Process Equipment (Assistant) Engineer
月薪 31000~40000元 台中市潭子區 工作經歷不拘1.全廠區製程設備異常狀況處理及製程設備預防維護保養執行、故障排除修護。 2. 全廠區製程設備確效及再確效驗證執行工作。 3.相關SOP& cGMP文件報告撰寫、修改。 4.製程設備保養維修詢商ERP處理。 5.製程設備系統日常管理點檢維護、監控、儀俵校驗執行。 6. 製程設備系統備品耗材清點整理、請購、驗收等備品管理。 7.其他主管交辦等支援事項。 *另有其他獎金、津貼並依實際工作狀況另計 1.排班津貼 2.夜班津貼 3.職場津貼 上述獎金、津貼依公司規範章程現況為主展開 -
物流調度管理助理(中壢倉)/ Logistics Dispatch Assistant(LDA)
月薪 32000~35000元 桃園市中壢區 工作經歷不拘1.單據整理、資料輸入。 2.客戶與單位間聯繫。 3.異常或緊急事件處理。 4.會使用office,電郵收發。 5.完成主管交辦事項。 6.態度積極、願意學習、有責任心。展開 -
【Internal Accounting Assistant】-土城總公司- 公司內帳會計助理、出納助理人員
月薪 28590元 新北市土城區 工作經歷不拘1. 建立健全財務管理制度,對財務部門的日常管理、資金預算、資金運作等進行總體控制 2. 建構各部門預算規劃、成效追蹤及成本分析系統 3. 提供公司各項財務相關分析及報表,並針對異常科目做分析處理 4. 覆核財務報表,並檢討公司各單位營運及預算執行狀況 5. 報表編寫如: 資產負債表、利潤表、利潤分配表、現金流量表等 6. 公司一般現金收付作業、出納科目資料登入等 7. 會計傳票帳務作業、結算廠商請款付款作業 8. 審查公司財務收支文件及憑證 9. 定期記錄並核對公司總分類帳 10. 定期編製公司帳務報表,及其他財務分析資料等 11. 盤點公司存貨、計算員工佣金、貨款折讓及利息等 12. 依年度或一定期間準備財務說明及帳目,計算安排薪資發放,編製對帳單等工作 13. 營業稅申報作業及調節表、各類所得扣繳申報作業及 配合國稅局等主管機關來函處理展開 2日回覆 -
AMHS Installation Assistant Engineer 自動化設備裝機助理工程師
月薪 39000元 新竹市 工作經歷不拘【本職缺僅接受台積電官方網站投遞】 請至台積電官方網站投遞個人履歷表,此職缺履歷登錄網址: https://careers.tsmc.com/careers/JobDetail?jobId=13732&source=1111 Established in 1987 and headquartered in Taiwan, TSMC pioneered the pure-play foundry business model with an exclusive focus on manufacturing its customers’ products. In 2023, the company served 528 customers with 11,895 products for high performance computing, smartphones, IoT, automotive, and consumer electronics, and is the world’s largest provider of logic ICs with annual capacity of 16 million 12-inch equivalent wafers. TSMC operates fabs in Taiwan as well as manufacturing subsidiaries in Washington State, Japan and China, and its ESMC subsidiary plans to begin construction on a fab in Germany in 2024. In Arizona, TSMC is building three fabs, with the first starting 4nm production in 2025, the second by 2028, and the third by the end of the decade. Responsibilities: 1. Assistant Engineer for Automated Material Handling System (AMHS) Installation. 2. Responsible for the installation of automated equipment, assembly of power systems, equipment tuning, testing, and trouble shooting. Monthly Salary Range: from $39,000 1. 自動物料搬運系統 (AMHS) 裝機助理工程師. 2. 負責自動化設備安裝,電力系統裝配,設備調機,測機,與緊急搶修. 薪資範圍: 39,000以上 Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DE&I) reflects TSMC’s core values and business philosophy and is essential for our future success. Our commitment to DE&I allows us to create an environment where every employee, regardless of gender, age, disability, religion, race, ethnicity, nationality, political affiliation, or sexual orientation, can bring their unique perspective and experiences to work, enabling us to drive profitability, increase productivity, and unleash innovation. To strive to create a workplace that is equitable and accessible to all employees, we also provide reasonable accommodations for qualified individuals with disabilities. We are committed to fostering an inclusive culture where every employee feels valued and empowered to contribute to our mission and provide excellent service to our global customers.展開 -
製造部(助理)工程師(流感廠)_Production (Assistant) Engineer (Flu Manufacturing)
月薪 31000~35000元 台中市潭子區 工作經歷不拘1.流感疫苗溶液配製及器具準備 2.流感疫苗澄清、濃縮製程操作 3.流感疫苗製程乙醚處理及formulation 4.流感疫苗純化製程 5.製程設備維護及保養 6.生產相關文件繕寫與確效執行 7.其他主管交辦事項 職缺頁面所列工作待遇為核定薪資 另有其他獎金、津貼,依實際工作狀況於核定薪資外另計(如排班津貼、職場津貼等) 並依生產狀況另提供生產津貼 上述獎金、津貼依公司規範章程現況為主展開 -
製造部(助理)工程師(無菌充填廠)_Production (Assistant) Engineer
月薪 31000~35000元 台中市潭子區 工作經歷不拘1.疫苗及其他藥品調劑作業 2.疫苗及其他藥品充填、包裝作業 3.確效執行、疫苗生產儀器設備驗證及預防保養 4.作業環境無菌相關準備維護 5.原物料、設備等製程相關請領作業 6.制定GMP規範相關文件與定期審閱 7.其他主管交辦事項 *另有其他獎金、津貼並依實際工作狀況另計 1.排班津貼 2.夜班津貼 3.連續夜班津貼 4.職場津貼 上述獎金、津貼依公司規範章程現況為主展開