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  • 國際活動企劃暨推廣專員E3

    面議(經常性薪資達4萬元或以上) 40000元 台中市西屯區 工作經歷不拘
    1.辦理國際/國內技術研討會、交流會等活動。 2.協助客戶辦理產品發表會及提供廣告行銷平台。 3.引進先進國家專家及技術,促進國際技術合作。 4.辦理德國、美國、日本等國際相關展覽之觀展團及安排參訪海外企業。 5.辦理海外客戶來台研習及企業參訪等活動。 【面試時需準備自我介紹簡報】
  • 工研院資通所_推廣工程師(C102)

    面議(經常性薪資達4萬元或以上) 新竹縣竹東鎮 工作經歷不拘
    資通訊先進技術推廣規劃與業務開發。 1. ICT技術行銷策略規劃/市場/業務開發。 2. 行銷活動規劃及執行,產業交流平台經營。 3. 新創推動及新創專案管理。
  • 市場推廣管理專員(高雄永安)

    面議(經常性薪資達4萬元或以上) 高雄市永安區 5~6年工作經驗
    1.管理業務產品統計分析報表數據分析 2.客戶維持技術更新 3.業務趨勢資訊處理 4.市場資訊詢價/議價 5.追蹤相關業務人員疑問排除
  • 【社宅推廣 租賃管理師】台中店

    面議(經常性薪資達4萬元或以上) 台中市西屯區 工作經歷不拘
    公司提供完整訓練一個月就上手 永續獎金制度 成就自己 實現財富自由 時間自由!! 台灣房地產最新風潮『包租代管』 租賃管理師 充滿溫度的一份新事業 擁有穩定收入-案件來源穩定且容易 *一對一教學完整sop流程 快速上手 *完善職場制度-永續獎金、被動收入 *上班時間彈性-上班時間自己決定 政府特許事業 月月不歸零-月月累積 時間自己規劃-實現自我 1.協助房東申請修繕補助 2.協助房客申請租金補助 3.協助房東房客公正簽約 4.協助房東房客點交點退 5.後續房東房客關係維繫 加入社會住宅,房東、房客都不需支付費用, 由政府補助還可以申請 修繕補助、租金補貼!! 【不動產租賃諮詢服務 】 【房屋租賃開發與帶看服務】 【房屋不動產租賃、代租服務】
  • Sales Engineer / Sr. Sales Engineer

    面議(經常性薪資達4萬元或以上) 東南亞新加坡 2~3年工作經驗
    KEY RESPONSIBILITIES: - Able to decide what needs to be done by focused efforts. - Able to deliver results on time with accuracy - Able to manage and adopt a multicultural environment. - Able to work under flexible/late hours and able to follow all company policies and guidelines. - Able to work under pressure and with minimum supervision. - Ensure self-learning and compliance with related laws, company policies, IATF, VDA- Develop and implement policies, standards and procedures for the work performed within the department. - Lead and arrange to complete any task assigned by superiors on time. - Responsible for completed KPIs, Continuous improvement for self and department and maintaining at optimum level. - Explore business opportunities from the target customers by leading and supporting his Account Manager. - To establish good communication and relationship between customers and internal. - Update and feedback market information, customer status and competitors’ activities in own region. - Assist Sales Manager to prepare sales plans on how to achieve an annual sales budget. - Review customer visit report and RFQ monitoring. - Handle existing customers and develop new projects with oriented project acquisition results. - Involvement in project management and coordination with customers and internally for the new project kick off, e.g. Early Supplier Involvement, project conference of APQP progress, FA sample, technical feasibility discussion until PPAP approval stage. - Quotation and discuss internally any related commercial and technical issue with related Departments with the goal of profitable project acquisition. - Quarterly marketing strategy plan according to technology trend and market demand. - Weekly customer visiting plan and reporting (CVR and CCR). - Handle daily customer visit report, weekly sales report, quarterly sales report and annual budgeting for each customer account.by unique selling proposition product. - Participate exhibition to increase brand awareness of company product penetration in own region. - Other tasks assigned. KEY COMPETENCY / SKILLS - Basic Production Knowledge. - Deep knowledge in quality system/IATF 16949 standard and basic knowledge about Safety, Health and Environment standard. - Departmental Processes and Policies. - Departmental Technical Know-how. - IT & Computer literacy and other IT software and program use in departmental processes. - Knowledge in implementing and initiating strategic action. - Knowledge in multi-cultural activities and policies implementation. - Leadership & Communication. - Planning, Administration and execution of strategic actions. - Productivity Tools: 5S, Lean & Kaizen and project management. - Task and Self Management. - Team Management & Building Effective Teams. - Understand 2D and 3D drawing. - Good knowledge and experience in an Automotive Manufacturing Industry. - Business Acquisition. - ASP metric. - Value selling. - Knowledge of company product applications. - Sound judgment and good business sense. - Customer service. - APQP and PPAP process. - Leadership skills. - Communication and negotiation skills. - Collaboration and good people skills. - Sales coordination. - Strategic planning skills - Persuasion and strategic skills.
  • 專任人員-高級專員(行銷推廣)

    月薪 47984元 台北市中正區 工作經歷不拘
    一、職缺及錄取名額:專任高級專員1名。(正取1名,備取若干名) 二、 工作內容: 1. 綜合規劃本會與各分會對外行銷策略、活動與執行。 2. 綜理各項募款活動及異業合作規劃並跨部門及外單位溝通協調。 3. 官網、臉書等社群平台管理,辦理電視、廣播、平面及網路媒體宣導業務 4. 新聞稿發布、輿論蒐集 5. 文宣品、書籍、影片編製 4. 其他主管交辦事項。 電腦專長: 1. 熟悉Office軟體(Word、Excel、PowerPoint)。 2. 熟悉Adobe軟體(Illustrator、Photoshop)。 3. 影音剪輯軟體。 附加條件: 1. 具有行銷推廣或非營利組織服務經驗者尤佳(請檢附相關證明或作品集) 。 2. 具洞察能力、邏輯清晰、善企劃與文字撰寫、喜自我挑戰與創新發想。 3. 有耐心、細心且樂於溝通與團隊合作。 (二)待遇:依財團法人犯罪被害人保護協會工作人員薪點表支薪,月薪新台幣47,984元,試用期間3個月。 (三)工作地點:台北市中正區 (四)工作時間:08:30-17:30,周休二日(遇特殊狀況須利用假日及下班時間,可排補休或申請加班費) 三、甄選條件:中華民國國民,並具有下列資格者。 (一)國內外經教育部認可之公私立大學以上畢業且持有證明文件者。 (二)男女不拘。 (三)品行端正、思想純正、具服務熱忱且無不良嗜好。 (四)需具備汽車或機車駕駛執照。 (五)具相關管理經驗二年以上。 (六)應試人員應比照公務人員切結確無公務人員任用法第二十八條第一項第一款至第九款。 四、報名時間及方式: 報名應備資料與應徵方式: 填寫財團法人犯罪被害人保護協會甄選報名表,並檢附下列資料 (1.)身分證、最高學歷證件、經歷證件或其他專業證照等影本各一份。 (2.)最近半年內2时脫帽半身彩色照片2張(背面註明姓名、身分證字號)。 (3.)其他經歷證明文件。 **備齊以上文件後以掛號郵寄或親送至台北市中正區博愛路164號5樓犯罪被害人保護協會,資格符合者另行通知應試,相關報名表件恕不退回。 五、甄選項目: (一)書面報告:佔總分30% (1)自傳(10%):1000字以上、電腦打字、標楷體14號字、以A4纸式列印。 (2)行銷企劃(20%):以單位角度,撰擬全國性行銷企劃。 備註:書面報告(1)(2)項請於通訊報名時一併繳交 (二)口試(70%):就應試人儀表、言辭、才識、應變能力等綜合考評。 六、甄選地點:財團法人犯罪被害人保護協會(台北市博愛路164號5樓) 七、正取人員報到、到職時間:另行電話通知。 聯絡人:薛先生,電話:(02)2736-5850#83
  • 產品數位行銷與推廣工程師

    面議(經常性薪資達4萬元或以上) 41000元 高雄市楠梓區 工作經歷不拘
    1.公司文件美編說明書製作 2.社群推廣產品經營 3.公司短影音規劃製作 4.行銷文件製作
  • 產品數位行銷與推廣工程師

    面議(經常性薪資達4萬元或以上) 41000元 台北市士林區 工作經歷不拘
    1.公司文件美編說明書製作 2.社群推廣產品經營 3.公司短影音規劃製作 4.行銷文件製作
  • 業務銷售經理-高雄/台北 (Sales Manager - Kaohsiung/Taipei)

    面議(經常性薪資達4萬元或以上) 高雄市前鎮區 2~3年工作經驗
    PEOPLE •Use both account interaction and publicly available tools to monitor competitors‘ activities as it relates to both the hotel and the portfolio of accounts and share relevant information with key stakeholders in line with hotel procedures •Provide feedback to management on changing market conditions, including competition and market trends •Involve Director of Sales / Assistant Director of Sales where appropriate on sales calls and sales meetings •Communicate to his/her superior any issues encountered and other relevant information •Attend and participate in and where appropriate, organise training sessions, daily briefings and other meetings as required •Where applicable, supervise, manage and train Sales Executives and Sales Coordinators in carrying out their responsibilities GUEST EXPERIENCE •Network within one’s portfolio of accounts to build relationships with key decision makers and other relevant staff •Conduct client meetings as well as planning and coordinating site introduction tours and inspections •Handle and manage clients’ queries or issues •Be proactive and responsible for the follow up of new sales leads to enhance guest experience •Develop and maintain contact with business generators (MICE Planners; travel agents; etc.) RESPONSIBLE BUSINESS •Ensure accurate and timely updating of an accurate record of all relevant activities in the provided Sales System (i.e. Delphi; Opera; etc.) for future reference and control purposes •Update Account and Contact profiles, attach Account plans, ensure ‘live’ information for action •Develop awareness and reputation of the hotel and the brand in the local community. Perform other duties as assigned.
  • 業務專員 (Sales Associate, for Cable Assembly, ODM Electronic Products, Total Soluti

    面議(經常性薪資達4萬元或以上) 台北市內湖區 3~4年工作經驗
    1. 定期拜訪客戶, 新舊客戶維繫及管理。 2. 開發潛在客戶,拓展市場,以達成業績目標。 3. 負責業務接洽產品報價及送樣,並處理帳款相關事宜。 4. 需能製作Sales-Kit介紹產品,並處理產品報價、訂單與出貨等事宜。
  • 就近工作 就近工作