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  • 豪宅機動秘書【台中市西屯 / 西區 / 南屯 / 北屯】薪優

    月薪 31000~36000元 台中市西屯區 1~2年工作經驗
    1. 本職務為高級社區之櫃檯秘書工作,具飯店管理或相關經驗佳。 2. 需具有親切感、服務熱忱、樂於學習上進者,本公司提供最佳之薪資待遇與教育訓練。 3. 需具一般電腦文書作業系統能力,協助社區經理完成行政與財務相關文書作業。 4. 行為端正,做事認真,工作負責態度佳。 5. 補助同仁報考相關證照。 6.【工時班別】:早班【07:00-16:00 / 08:00-17:00】 中班【10:00-19:00 / 11:00-20:00】 晚班【12:00-21:00 / 13:00-22:00】 需輪班;皆9小時中間休息1小時 7.【待遇休假】31,0000-36,000;月休8-10天 ﹝實際時間及休假方式需參酌實際分配社區之合約為基準﹞ 8. 上班地點:西屯 / 西區 / 南屯 / 北屯 / 烏日 本公司薪資待遇佳,升遷管道暢通 歡迎有企圖心者加入我們的行列! 以上均享 薪優/健保/勞保/勞退/續約獎金/考核年獎等。 履歷表請附上詳細資料與個人照片。
  • 【台北區 大同區+中山區】高級社區徵機動秘書!!!薪優

    月薪 35000~36000元 台北市大同區 工作經歷不拘
    1.社區櫃檯服務 2.社區財務事務處理,簡易財務報表製作 3.住戶生活服務及訊息記錄傳遞處理 4.管委會交辦事項執行 5.主管交辦事項執行及代理人 6.月上21天,兩個社區(中山區、大同區) 7.大同區9天+中山區12天
  • 副總特助

    月薪 30000~45000元 台中市西屯區 3~4年工作經驗
    1.執行主管所交辦的項目及專案,如:管理規章制訂、績效考核擬定 2.處理與主管相關的行政事務,如:公共關係事務、行程安排 3.協助專案計劃評估及執行與追蹤、會議記錄執行追蹤、部門預算編列 4.跨公司或跨部門的工作協調,擔任良好的溝通橋樑 5.訪客接待 6.其他主管交辦事項
  • 總經理特別助理

    月薪 35000元 台中市梧棲區 工作經歷不拘
    1. 執行主管所交代的命令及專案 2. 處理與主管相關的行政事務,例如:跨公司及部門工作協調、協助專案執行與追蹤、主管會議記錄執行追蹤、總經理交辦事務處理 3. 擔任部門之間或主管間的橋樑 4. 行程安排 5. 協助處理業務相關之公司內部行政作業 6. 主管交辦事宜或部門後勤支援
  • 行銷總監特助

    面議(經常性薪資達4萬元或以上) 40000元 台北市信義區 5~6年工作經驗
    雅德思集團為近年成長最快的平價牙醫集團,在2012到2023年間迅速擴展18家分店。雅德思不僅兼具親民透明的價格與高端專業的醫療技術,更具有以人為本的服務精神、客製化的療程,2022年更轉型為網路導客取向的醫療服務,讓雅德思的品質與專業更加深入人心。 雅德思團隊正在急速擴增當中,更希望能兼顧各方面的專業服務。 如果您擁有一顆喜愛與人交流的心,並熟悉社群軟體、希望與成熟的團隊合作學習,歡迎加入雅德思團隊的一員! 我們需要的總監特助: 1.擁有約五年的行銷工作經驗。 2.追蹤行銷部門各項專案進度,並隨時與總監彙報。 3.執行總監交辦之專案 4.跨公司及部門工作協調 5.其餘主管交辦事項 歡迎有行銷鬼腦袋、對專案管理追蹤與執行又喜歡與人溝通的您您加入!
  • 主管特別助理

    月薪 35000~50000元 台南市南區 3~4年工作經驗
    我們再找一個能協助主管管理各部門的助理, 對事情能高效能和穩定完成,能精準執行交辦事項並推動組織效率。 《主要工作內容》 1. 協助主管規劃、檢視組織效能、產量 2. 協助主管規劃內部管理及稽核 3. 協助主管追蹤及回報各部門進度 4. 處理與主管相關的事務, 例如: 跨公司及部門工作協調,.擔任部門之間或主管間的橋樑 《必備職能》 1. 須具備良好的組織能力、溝通能力 2. 電腦文書能力 3. 有基本管理、營運的知識 4. 邏輯性強、有負責任的態度 《加分技能》 1. 有中小企業主管特助或管理職經歷 2. 具有室內設計相關經驗 3. 具備銷售相關技能
  • 總經理室儲備幹部

    面議(經常性薪資達4萬元或以上) 50000元 台中市后里區 5~6年工作經驗
    1.協助總經理進行跨部門、協力廠商的溝通協調及經營管理。 2.協助總經理中長期策略規畫及年度營運方針擬定,以提昇經營績效。 3.確認主管行程、會議安排及記錄,協助主管資料搜尋並處理文書工作。 4.主管交辦事項。
  • 儲備幹部

    月薪 35000~42000元 新北市汐止區 1~2年工作經驗
    1.通路有百貨/電視購物/電商平台...多元化通路,善於溝通、歸納,有解決問題的能力。 能獨立作業,也能團隊合作。 2.主管交辦事宜或部門後勤支援 。 3.會開車。 4.獎金另計。 官網網址:www.asshik.com 百貨公司品牌為絲路,網址為www.yarnway.com.tw 旗下網路品牌為格藍傢飾,網址為www.glam.com.tw
  • Senior Executive Assistant

    面議(經常性薪資達4萬元或以上) 台北市信義區 7~8年工作經驗
    We are one of the fastest growing, most innovative companies in the world. Powered by an outstanding end-to-end e-commerce and logistics network, we are the 5th largest US tech IPO of all time with a fanatical culture of customer centricity, and a track record of world leading innovation. Coupang has broken traditional ecommerce tradeoffs, bringing customers lightning-fast delivery on millions of items at the lowest prices. With offices around the world including the US, China and Korea, Coupang is where talented entrepreneurs can seize new opportunities and take the initiative. Now for the first time in Taiwan, Coupang is hiring the launch team. Position : Senior Executive Assistant Coupang is looking for an Senior Executive Assistant to perform a variety of administrative tasks and support our company‘s executive leader. To be successful in this role, you should be well-organized, have great time management skills and be able to act without guidance. Ultimately, you will contribute to the efficiency of our business by providing timely support to executive members. What You Will Do : Act as the point of contact among executives, employees, clients and other external partners Manage information flow in a timely and accurate manner Manage executives’ arrangement and set up meetings Make and accommodation arrangements Rack daily and prepare weekly, monthly or quarterly reports Oversee the performance of other clerical staff Format information for internal and external communication – memos, emails, presentations, reports Take minutes during meetings Screen and direct phone calls and distribute correspondence Organize and maintain the filing system Basic Qualifications: At least 5 years of experience in executive assistance Ideally have served C - Level executive previously Fluent in English and Mandarin Korean is a plus but not essential Adaptable, flexible and willing to go extra mile Recruitment Process Application Review - Phone Interview - Onsite (or Virtual Onsite) Interview – Offer The exact nature of the recruitment process may vary according to the specific job and may be changed due to scheduling or other circumstances. Interview schedules and the results will be informed to the applicant via the e-mail address submitted at the application stage. Things to Consider This job posting may be closed prior to the stated end date for application if all openings are filled. Coupang has the right to rescind an offer of employment if a candidate is found to have submitted false information as part of the application process. Coupang does not discriminate against disabled applicants or those with veteran status. We are proud to offer equal opportunities for all applicants.
  • Senior Executive Assistant-1

    面議(經常性薪資達4萬元或以上) 台北市信義區 5~6年工作經驗
    We are one of the fastest growing, most innovative companies in the world. Powered by an outstanding end-to-end e-commerce and logistics network, we are the 5th largest US tech IPO of all time with a fanatical culture of customer centricity, and a track record of world leading innovation. Coupang has broken traditional ecommerce tradeoffs, bringing customers lightning-fast delivery on millions of items at the lowest prices. With offices around the world including the US, China and Korea, Coupang is where talented entrepreneurs can seize new opportunities and take the initiative. Position : Executive Assistant Coupang is looking for an Executive Assistant to perform a variety of administrative tasks and support our company‘s executive leader. To be successful in this role, you should be well-organized, have great time management skills and be able to act without guidance. Ultimately, you will contribute to the efficiency of our business by providing timely support to executive members. Key Responsibilities: • Act as the point of contact among executives, employees, clients and other external partners • Manage information flow in a timely and accurate manner • Manage executives’ arrangement and set up meetings • Make and accommodation arrangements • Rack daily and prepare weekly, monthly or quarterly reports • Oversee the performance of other clerical staff • Format information for internal and external communication – memos, emails, presentations, reports • Take minutes during meetings • Screen and direct phone calls and distribute correspondence • Organize and maintain the filing system Requirement: • At least 5 years of experience in executive assistance • Ideally have served C - Level executive previously • Fluent in English and Mandarin • Adaptable, flexible and willing to go extra mile
  • 就近工作 就近工作