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  • 國際業務/International Sales【SAH001 全球業務中心】/客戶成功經理

    面議(經常性薪資達4萬元或以上) 台北市內湖區 8~9年工作經驗
    【工作說明】 1. 各劑型保健食品保養品之ODM/OEM市場開發及B2B行銷。 2. 定期回報該區產業動態與競爭對手分析 3. 產品行銷策略推廣及客戶上市規劃服務。 4. 協助國際商展,參與企劃&相關行銷活動(如:展覽、廣告、會議)。 Job Description 1. Establishing B2B nutriceutical & cosmecuitical business by analyzing account potential; initiating, developing, and closing sales; proposing new product and sales strategies. 2. Initiates sales process by scheduling appointments; making initial presentations; understanding account requirements. 3. Closes sales by fixing product formulation & trade terms including price & sales agreement. 4. Expands business opportunity in existing accounts. 5. Fluent in English & Mandarin.
  • 業務營運控制經理/RED/Sales Operation Control Manager

    面議(經常性薪資達4萬元或以上) 40000元 桃園市桃園區 5~6年工作經驗
    This is what our career challenges look like: not doing things the right way, always, but to be problem solvers and guide others, so that they can develop as leaders who drive our business to great benefits. Fuel your ambition at Swire Coca-Cola. Give your aspirations a focus, and we’ll invest in you, so we can all find success – together. Through data collection and process monitoring and management, effectively enhance or optimize the operational efficiency and execution of business units to achieve the performance goals of the group, region, or company. 1. Design Swire Coca Cola Taiwan Picture Of Success with company strategy. 2. Clarity RED(Right Execution Daily) strategies to all Stakeholders, department and functions in the organization and define a roadmap of tactics and projects to achieve their objectives. 3. Build a culture of execution excellence, influence all staff understand the importance of RED and achieve high execution. 4. Understand the market opportunity of the main channels and Impact positively it by building channel Picture of Success that Operational Efficiency, achieving higher Standards of Execution in the market to win over competitors. 5. Review and assess internal operations for deficiencies and measure operational efficiency, providing timely improvement suggestions to ensure the continuous and effective implementation of business processes and execution. 6. Provide market information for Sales team or assist management in swiftly grasping market conditions to achieve excellence in execution. 7. Monitor Sales Center Activation process and enhance merchandising execution capability. 8. Manage surveyor to do the right tracking with same standard.
  • 財富管理業務主管_台北市sales head

    面議(經常性薪資達4萬元或以上) 台北市松山區 5~6年工作經驗
    (A)行銷管理及業務推展 1)領導及推動總行核訂的行銷策略,以達成分配給分行的整體業績目標。 2)擬定銷售策略及業務計畫以確定及掌握分行特定的商機。 3)有效利用分行的銷售資源,輔導並協助客戶經理進行銷售行為,以達成業績目標。 4)確定員工關注主要銷售活動的先後順序,確保有效的行銷方案成功實施。 5)向業務管理及客戶策略主管反映客户回饋及同業競爭情形並提出建議。 6)確定所有員工依據並完全符合內部政策、標準、準則、規章及主管機關及監理機構所訂定的規章及法規。 (B)人才管理及協助招聘 1)透過有效的招聘、資源規劃及人力調度來確保充分的員工配置,以強化日常銷售及營運生產力。 2)分辨員工的能力差異及缺點,推薦培訓發展計畫並追踪培訓後改進情形。 3)培訓發展及教導個別員工,提高其業績及改善效率。 4)督導員工的日常工作表現並維持員工紀律。 5)與員工保持明確及即時溝通,提供激勵及支持,以鼓勵他們達成目標。 6)建立分行團隊成員中的信任及士氣,公平地處理員工問題。 (C)客户體驗管理 1)達到在多個客户滿意度調查/追踪計畫中(例如神秘顧客及電話服務調查)的預設滿意度水準。 2)督導員工的日常服務質量及分行的環境,以符合銀行要求的標準。 3)對客戶的特别要求提供快速的回應,確保客户的口頭及當面投訴可以按照内部準則得到即時地處理及解決。 (D)稽核及合規監控 1) 確保完全符合内部政策、標準、準則及規章及主管機關及監理機構所訂定的規章及法規。 2) 透過領導、教育、監控及有效的補救措施提升分行營運的控制及合規質量。
  • 資安工程師

    月薪 43000~52000元 台北市內湖區 2~3年工作經驗
    (1) 資安弱點評估(源碼、主機、網站)報告撰寫與安全測試 (2) 客戶端資訊安全弱點報告分析與回覆彙整 (3) 配合主管機關與內外稽單位資安查核業務 (4) 資安法規遵循、風險評估,及執行情況彙整呈報 (5) 協助資訊安全稽核作業(含網路安全風險分析),確保符合資訊安全要求。
  • 資安工程師

    面議(經常性薪資達4萬元或以上) 40000元 台北市內湖區 工作經歷不拘
    職務類別:系統整合工程師、軟體工程師、前端工程師、後端工程師 學歷要求:學士、碩士學歷畢 科系要求:資工、資管、通訊、工工、工管、電機、電子、機械、化工、土木、企管、商管、財金、工設、商設等相關系所(頁開發實務經驗/證照者則不限科系) 語文條件:多益成績500分以上或具相關能力證明者(托福、雅思、全民英檢等)。 相關經驗:具備系統整合或IT相關實務經驗(或證照)者佳 電腦技能/證照:ASP.NET、C#、MS SQL、HTML/CSS/JavaScript、Java、C/C++、Python、Docker、Git、Jenkins等 專業技能/證照:軟體程式設計、網站開發(前/後端)、資料庫管理、系統整合分析相關技能、容器化、Git版本控制、CI/CD、容器化管理平台 出差外派:需出差 工作內容:1.資料庫整合與架構規劃。2.資料串接相關架構程式開發。3.AI模型系統化及應用平台開發。4.Web開發作業(前後端)。 意者請至台塑企業人才招募網站 https://hr.fpg.com.tw 登錄履歷,合者約試,不合者恕不通知。
  • 資安工程師

    面議(經常性薪資達4萬元或以上) 彰化縣線西鄉 工作經歷不拘
    1.企業資訊環境及資源管理程式開發及維護(ERP、MES) 2.電子簽核系統內部教育訓練 3.電子簽核系統表單開發、維護及問題處理 4.報表系統開發(web form or window form) 5.ERP與異質系統介接和維護 6.主管交辦事項 7.擅長問題解決和分析能力並解決複雜的資安問
  • 資安治理師

    面議(經常性薪資達4萬元或以上) 40000元 花蓮縣壽豐鄉 3~4年工作經驗
    職務工作內容: •協助推動、協調監督及審查資通安全管理事項。 •協助執行上市上櫃公司資通安全管控指引要求。 •協助完善飯店業個資檔案安全維護計畫及處理辦法要求。 •協助資安主管推動資通安全管理事項。 •辦理資通安全風險評估、控制措施建置及檢測等工作。 •協助辦理資通安全事件之通報、應變及檢討。 •辦理資通安全教育訓練及宣導。 我們提供: **優美舒適的工作環境和福利待遇。 **良好的職業發展機會,提供不斷學習和成長的平台。 **開放、創新的企業文化,重視團隊合作和員工參與。 【公司褔利】 **上下班市區(宿舍)定點交通接駁 ** 提供生活機能便利的套房宿舍 ** 海洋公園全年365天免費遊玩 **員工餐廳免費供餐、免費咖啡 **生日及三節禮金(禮品) **每年贈送飯店雙人住宿券 **每年舉辦員工旅遊 **定期教育訓練
  • 資安工程師

    月薪 50000元 台北市中正區 5~6年工作經驗
    1.相關專案之資安風險、檢視與諮詢,及負責資安相關專案之規劃與執行。 2.雲端服務資安規劃及管理 3.資訊安全事件、資安情資等之分析與追蹤。 4.資訊安全設備(如防火牆、入侵偵測系統、防毒..)設備的維護與管理。 5.負責DevSevOps及SOAR自動化之規劃及維運。
  • 資安架構師

    面議(經常性薪資達4萬元或以上) 40000元 新竹市東區 4~5年工作經驗
    工作項目: 1. 執行資安攻防技術分析與應用。(須具實際經驗) (1) 從攻擊方與防禦方角度撰寫演練驗證程序。(面試時提供腳本範本程序說明) (2) 熟悉駭客惡意程式(RCE & None-RCE)運作流程分析經驗。(面試時簡報說明做法) (3) 威脅情資蒐集分析與工具。(面試時簡報說明做法) (4) 進行各類場域資安驗證作業(Penetration、Vulnerability Assessment… )、威脅建模,完成報告分析。 (5) 熟捻各類攻防工具與腳本,例如:IOA防禦設計與無害驗證腳本撰寫。 (6) 風險事件判讀分析與緩解對策建議。 (7) 具備紫隊協調工作經驗尤佳。(面試時簡報說明做法) 2. 資安技術專案規畫與執行。 (1) POC功能有效性驗證。 (2) 撰寫 POC測試程序,配合系統驗證有效性。 (3) 各類資安系統管控政策分析設計。 (4) 熟悉 EDR、CDR、SIEM,具管控經驗者尤佳。 3. 資訊安全管理系統工作配合。 (1) 輔助或執行資安稽核進行技術性稽核查驗工作。 (2) 若具實際內外稽核經驗,請於面試時簡報說明做法。 應徵條件: 1. 碩士以上。 2. 4年以上工作經驗。 3. 具 ISO 27001 LA、資安證照:iPAS中級資安工程師認證、OSCP、CISSP、SSCP等為佳。 4. 善於溝通協調,具任務執行力以及責任心。
  • Sales Engineer / Sr. Sales Engineer

    面議(經常性薪資達4萬元或以上) 東南亞新加坡 2~3年工作經驗
    KEY RESPONSIBILITIES: - Able to decide what needs to be done by focused efforts. - Able to deliver results on time with accuracy - Able to manage and adopt a multicultural environment. - Able to work under flexible/late hours and able to follow all company policies and guidelines. - Able to work under pressure and with minimum supervision. - Ensure self-learning and compliance with related laws, company policies, IATF, VDA- Develop and implement policies, standards and procedures for the work performed within the department. - Lead and arrange to complete any task assigned by superiors on time. - Responsible for completed KPIs, Continuous improvement for self and department and maintaining at optimum level. - Explore business opportunities from the target customers by leading and supporting his Account Manager. - To establish good communication and relationship between customers and internal. - Update and feedback market information, customer status and competitors’ activities in own region. - Assist Sales Manager to prepare sales plans on how to achieve an annual sales budget. - Review customer visit report and RFQ monitoring. - Handle existing customers and develop new projects with oriented project acquisition results. - Involvement in project management and coordination with customers and internally for the new project kick off, e.g. Early Supplier Involvement, project conference of APQP progress, FA sample, technical feasibility discussion until PPAP approval stage. - Quotation and discuss internally any related commercial and technical issue with related Departments with the goal of profitable project acquisition. - Quarterly marketing strategy plan according to technology trend and market demand. - Weekly customer visiting plan and reporting (CVR and CCR). - Handle daily customer visit report, weekly sales report, quarterly sales report and annual budgeting for each customer account.by unique selling proposition product. - Participate exhibition to increase brand awareness of company product penetration in own region. - Other tasks assigned. KEY COMPETENCY / SKILLS - Basic Production Knowledge. - Deep knowledge in quality system/IATF 16949 standard and basic knowledge about Safety, Health and Environment standard. - Departmental Processes and Policies. - Departmental Technical Know-how. - IT & Computer literacy and other IT software and program use in departmental processes. - Knowledge in implementing and initiating strategic action. - Knowledge in multi-cultural activities and policies implementation. - Leadership & Communication. - Planning, Administration and execution of strategic actions. - Productivity Tools: 5S, Lean & Kaizen and project management. - Task and Self Management. - Team Management & Building Effective Teams. - Understand 2D and 3D drawing. - Good knowledge and experience in an Automotive Manufacturing Industry. - Business Acquisition. - ASP metric. - Value selling. - Knowledge of company product applications. - Sound judgment and good business sense. - Customer service. - APQP and PPAP process. - Leadership skills. - Communication and negotiation skills. - Collaboration and good people skills. - Sales coordination. - Strategic planning skills - Persuasion and strategic skills.
  • 就近工作 就近工作