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  • 【工研院人資處】人力資源管理派遣人員B0-56 TCL1(L)

    月薪 35000元 新竹縣竹東鎮 工作經歷不拘
    1.執行人資例行之招募任用與訓練相關業務。 2.業務簡報及系統維護。 3.相關專案之協助規劃、執行與推動。 4.員工關懷與溝通輔導。 5.其他事項之協助。 ☛派遣至 【財團法人工業技術研究院】
  • 【知名國際藥商】Contracted (Sr.) Financial Planning& Analysis Specialist

    面議(經常性薪資達4萬元或以上) 40000元 台北市大安區 3~4年工作經驗
    【工作內容】 1. Liaise different Functions to support monthly forecast, rolling estimate, annual plan and long-term planning, and be able to validate the data 2. Prepare management report to Leadership team with financial analysis. 3. Prepare different reporting and ensure data accuracy and consistency across the deliverables 4. Support operations of sales target setup/incentive calculation for Sales Team. 5. Leverage Business Intelligence tool to enable data analysis, visualization and driving simplicity. 6. Provide analytical review and identify underlying financial performance trends with business dynamics. 7. Ad-hoc business projects 【具備條件】 1. Bachelor‘s Degree in Accounting or related finance field 2. 3-5 years solid financial analysis experience 3. Proficient with Microsoft Applications (Excel, Word, PowerPoint, Outlook) 4. Fluent in English (TOEIC>=700) 5. Good team player 6. Strong communication skills 7. Self-initiated and flexible; works well under pressure of multiple/ concurrent and tight deadlines 8. 3-5 years CPA firms working experience or pharmaceutical/ FMCG industry is a plus 【薪資待遇】面議 【工作地點】台北市大安區 【上班時間】週一至週五09:00~18:00,週休二日 *此為派遣約聘性質工作,請詳閱內容後可接受再投遞*
  • 🔥薪資上看45k/獎金多/供餐🤩日本連鎖餐廳-かつや吉豚屋(KATSUYA)_NH

    月薪 36500~49000元 台北市中正區 工作經歷不拘
    【企業背景】 ✔Katsuya 吉豚屋是日本最大連鎖豬排專門店,忠於日式豬排的原汁原味。 ✔台灣吉豚屋打造「永續幸福企業」為目標,擁有最完整連鎖餐飲管理制度及員工福利。 ✔為「台隆集團」關係企業,創立已有近一甲子的歷史。 【工作內容】 點餐、收銀、客席服務 【薪資制度】 ☛平均薪資45,000 ☛依勞基法給付加班費、法定國定假日薪資雙倍 ☛機場另有交通及區域津貼 ☛供餐!!! 【地址】 ✅工作地點可議、可排志願序 📍和億北車店:台北市中正區忠孝西路一段36號B1(北捷台北車站M6出口/HOYII北車站) 📍誠品信義店:台北市信義區松高路11號B2(北捷市政府站2號出口/誠品信義店B2美食街) 📍石牌店:台北市北投區石牌路2段19號(北捷石牌站1號出口) 📍中華店:台北市萬華區桂林路1號4樓(北捷西門站1號出口/家樂福桂林店4F)​ 📍館前店:台北市中正區信陽街27號1-2F(北捷台北車站M6/站前地下街Z4出口) 📍信義二店:台北市大安區信義路四段263號1F(北捷信義安和站5號出口)​ 📍家樂福重新店:新北市三重區重新路5段654號1F(北捷先嗇宮站2號出口/家樂福重新店1F) 📍桃園機場T2:桃園市大園區航站南路9號(桃園國際機場第二航廈) 【工作班別】 ☛早、中、晚班,每日排班皆4~8小時 📍台北區 1、09:00~16:30 2、12:00~18:00 3、17:30~22:30 (另有多項班別) 📍桃園機場T2 ☛每日排班皆4~8小時 1、05:30~12:00 2、07:00~11:00 3、10:00~16:30 4、12:00~16:00 5、17:30~24:00 (另有多項班別)
  • 韓國知名家電品牌*Sr. PM*西湖捷運站-G24

    面議(經常性薪資達4萬元或以上) 40000~45000元 台北市內湖區 工作經歷不拘
    〔工作內容〕 1. Conduct market analysis and competitor analysis. 2. Find customer insights through various methods. 3. Assist in new product introduction (NPI), including model selection, price strategy, marketing activities, and marketing materials design. 4. Channel strategy planning and communication with the sales team. 5. Managing product inventory and supply. 6. Assist in communication with HQ in Korea. 1. 產品市場分析、競品分析 2. 消費者洞察蒐集與應用 3. 協助產品上市規劃,包含品項訂定、價格策略、行銷活動規劃或製作物設計 4. 產品通路策略訂定以及與業務單位溝通 5. 庫存與進貨管理 6. 協助與韓國總部之溝通 〔需求條件〕 - Bachelor’s degree or above, majoring in BA or Marketing are preferred. - 5+ years PM, Marketing, Sales or related work experiences are preferred. - Good at MS Office (Excel/PowerPoint) - Good team player & interpersonal skills - Aggressive and independent thinking 〔任用方式〕 此為派遣職缺 〔工作時間〕 週一至週五,週休二日 〔薪資福利〕 依學經歷背景核定 NTD650K~800K/year (面議,依經驗核薪)
  • 竹科/半導體大廠/外商#️⃣Talent Acquisition Specialist#️⃣English/Mandarin 601E

    月薪 46000~60000元 新竹市東區 工作經歷不拘
    【Role Expectations】 - Recruiting/sourcing specialist or full life cycle recruiter. - Dispositioning of direct applications for the global regions. - Disposition and tracking of employee referral resumes with agreed operational service levels. - Tracking the inbound applications to relevant requisitions across all geographies. - Sourcing, engaging, and attracting top talent for ad-hoc business requests. - Participating in crucial stakeholder meetings, including weekly cadences, and debriefs. - Through innovative research, building a candidate pipeline and conducting effective outreach for weekday & weekend walk-in interviews. - Tracking and maintaining a real-time record of candidates in ATS and monitoring the interview pipeline and selection ratio of diversity and non-diversity candidates. 【Minimum Qualifications】 - 3 to 8 years of work experience within Talent Acquisition - Hold a Bachelor‘s degree or equivalent in one of the fields such as Business, Engineering, Human Resources, Psychology, Humanities, or a related field. - As a talent advisor communicate effectively with the recruiters, recruiting managers, hiring managers, and team members throughout the sourcing/recruitment process. Share and exchange timely information with stakeholders and candidates - Proven track record in sourcing and hiring candidates from diversified and unconventional sourcing channels (ATS, LinkedIn, Job portals, Social sites, etc.) - Will participate in team and organizational-level strategic initiatives.. - Basic knowledge of MS-Excel and PPT to prepare weekly/monthly reports and updates 【Preferred Qualifications】 - Experience in talent sourcing or full desk recruiting for a Hi-tech company/client would be advantageous. - Demonstrate tech-savviness in areas such as 5G, Mobile, Computing, Automotive, IoT, etc., and apply this knowledge to identify top talent. ———————————————————————————— Ean Liu Email:ean.liu@manpowergrc.tw LINE :@356gezfb
  • 人力資源管理人員B0-56_派遣_工研院/人資處

    月薪 35000元 新竹縣竹東鎮 工作經歷不拘
    1.執行人資例行之招募任用與訓練相關業務。 2.業務簡報及系統維護。 3.相關專案之協助規劃、執行與推動。 4.員工關懷與溝通輔導。 5.其他事項之協助。 ★為長期派遣性質工作 ★加班部份依法給付,差旅費用實報實銷 【※可享福利】 *依法足額投保勞健保及勞退,並且另享團保 *享有年終、績效獎金;中秋&端午佳節禮盒;院內年度體檢 *另提供其他津貼項目 *院內設有員工餐廳 *外縣市人員可申請員工宿舍
  • 【外商銀行 行銷公關】40K以上/週休二日 BC

    月薪 40000~53000元 台北市信義區 工作經歷不拘
    【Key Responsibilities】 – Proactively communicate with team and related stakeholders, regional/ group branding and marketing team, to ensure branding and trademark integrity – Review promotion materials, closely monitor related advertisements and media exposure to ensure compliance with branding guidance – Update/ escalate regional / group marketing team if any issues – Follow up and ensure issues be resolved or improved – Social media management – Webpage migration – Develop effective corporate communication strategies – Manage internal communications (memos, newsletters etc.) – Draft content (e.g. press releases) for mass media or company website – Organize initiatives and plan events or press conferences – Liaise with media and handle requests for interviews and media statements etc. – Assist in communication of strategies or messages from senior leadership – Timely conduct crisis management per SOP on the issues related with internal / external communication – Assist documentation and promotion of Department’s risk control, compliance assessment and policies/ procedures – Ad hoc event and taskforce management 【薪資】月薪40,000~53,000元 【上班時間】9:00-18:00週休六日 【上班地點】台北市信義區松智路1號
  • 【嵜本_高級生吐司專賣】台北地區-外場儲幹/儲備店長

    月薪 38000元 台北市信義區 工作經歷不拘
    【工作內容】 1. 負責介紹及銷售門市商品。 2. 提供顧客之接待與需求服務。 3. 負責商品進貨入庫、銷售管理及庫存管理。 4. 負責商品包裝、陳列及促銷品換檔工作。 5. 維持店櫃週遭之整潔。 **外場幹部需有實際管理經驗約3年以上** - 【排班方式】一天排班9小時,中間休息1小時,輪班制 - 【門市據點】 市府店-台北市信義區忠孝東路五段15巷16號(捷運市政府站1號出口走路2分鐘) 新光南西店-台北市中山區南京西路15號1樓 101店-台北市信義區市府路45號 B1 大直忠泰店-台北市中山區樂群三路200號1樓 - 【企業福利】 多元獎金→ 工作區津貼、年終獎金、門市業績季獎金、員工推薦獎金。 完善升遷/考核制度→ 每年2~4次考核可供員工往上升遷發展。 其他福利→ 生日禮金、三節禮金/禮品 、享有員工飲品/餐點、聚餐活動。 員工補助→ 婚喪喜慶補貼、住院慰問金。 語言津貼→ 日文N1/英文多益800分以上享語言津貼2000元。 - 【聯絡資訊】 ConBiz-Joanne Tel: 02-6605-8170
  • SC-【日商】- 會計人員(英文中等) (教育訓練完整/福利豐富/有2-4天暑假)

    月薪 40000~45000元 高雄市前鎮區 工作經歷不拘
    1、支援日常記帳流程、通用記帳功能、月結帳獨立核對及報表。 2. 準備月末管理報告、公司間的進度明細對賬、管理報告、進度明細和賬目對賬,協調各個方面的報告。 3. 處理稅務申報/問題,協助與審計師和稅務代理人協調以及其他臨時任務(增值稅/預扣稅/企業所得稅等) 4. 負責收集並向總部審計人員提供PBC清單以及年度報稅、季度法定報告提交、每月交易(如果需要)等。 5. 與外部審計師、稅務顧問和其他跨職能成員聯絡。 6.熟悉台灣當地稅務/IFRS/SOX;總帳會計;內部控制和合規性。 7.協助財務系統建立和實施。 8. 上級或財務經理臨時指派的任務。 9. 協助臨時任務,例如準備臨時管理請求資訊。 Financial Associator會計人員 Job Detail 1. Support daily accounting processes, general accounting functions, monthly closing check and report independently. 2. Prepare month-end management reports, schedules breakdown inter-companies reconciliation, management reports, schedules breakdown and account reconciliation, coordinate all aspects of reporting. 3. Handle tax filing/issues, assist in coordination with auditors & tax agent and other ad hoc assignments (VAT / WHT / CIT…etc) 4. Responsible for collection and providing PBC lists to HQ auditors and tax filling yearly, statutory report quarterly submission, monthly transaction if need, etc. 5. Liaise with external auditor as well as tax advisor, and other cross function members. 6. Familiar with local Taiwan Tax /IFRS/ SOX; GL accounting; internal control and compliance. 7. Assist in finance system setup and implementation. 8. Ad-hoc assignment assigned by Superior or Financial manager. 9. Assist in ad-hoc assignments such as prepare ad-hoc management request information. Qualification 1.Degree holder in Accounting or Finance with professional accounting qualification 2.Minimum 5 years relevant experience in financial reporting field 3.CPA firm 5 years’ experience is plus 4.Proficiency in using MS office, accounting software and online banking systems 5.Strong knowledge of SAP and Excel 6.Basic command of English and Chinese, both written and spoken 7.Proactive, able to work independently, efficiently and under pressure in a demanding and fast pace environment 8.Integrity
  • 會計專員 (BA) (ID: 532033)

    月薪 40000~55000元 台北市中正區 3~4年工作經驗
    ★工作內容★ 1.傳票與相關憑證覆核。 2.營所稅/營業稅等各項稅務作業執行。 3.獨立完成月結及財務分析、年度結帳及會計師查帳作業等。 4.協助優化財會等相關流程。 5.系統導入及專案事項處理。 6.跨部門溝通、協調。 7.AR/AP、銀行付款及資金預測等作業。 8.有形/無形資產等相關作業。 9.商場活動收入之財務處理應對及彙總。 10.完成主管交辦事項。 *以工作內容會視情況分工。 ★MUST★ ・會計事務所或是企業內財會經驗3~5年 ★BETTER★ ・日文生活溝通程度尤佳 ★福利制度★ 法定福利: ・勞健保 ・法定休假 ・申請加班費或加班補休 ・勞退提撥 公司福利: ・依公司規定 ●歡迎登錄「PERSOL TAIWAN」應徵更多職缺● www.persoltw.com ※因每個招募案件進度及需求不同,恕無法一一聯絡,感謝您的配合。
  • 就近工作 就近工作