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  • 【熊嗨星樂園】正職 (早/晚)活動禮品、櫃台人員<台北站前店>

    月薪 36000~40000元 台北市中正區 工作經歷不拘
    《工作內容》 • 負責講解店內活動,並促進顧客追蹤社群平台 • 協助商品分裝,管理櫃台內現金與物品 • 協助顧客兌換零錢、商品兌換、活動抽獎禮品 • 店內遺失物廣播及回收 • 完成基礎櫃台服務與主管交辦事項 • 活動協助、拍攝動態、維持場內歡樂氣氛 • 負責店內廣播,並敢與顧客維持良好互動 《 工作地點》 •台北市中正區忠孝西路一段50號B1(新光三越樂活廣場) 《能力需求》 • 對於工作負有熱忱。 • 有顆誠懇熱心待人互助學習的心 • 大方、活潑外向,穩重、真誠、積極與樂觀的敬業態度 • 習慣面對人群,並對金錢有較高的敏銳度 • 擁有服務餐飲業或百貨銷售業經驗者優先錄取 《薪資待遇》 •薪資 30000 元起(含全勤、伙食津貼...及各式獎金) •晚班享有夜間津貼3000元 •當月出勤無瑕疵者額外獎勵2000元出勤獎金 •過試用期後享有績效評核獎金(最高可獲得3000元) ☆滿一個月後可享有額外績效評核獎金 可領取獎金為2000元~5000元 ☆有活動主持經驗者,可兼任店內主持活動,薪資享有額外加給,面議。 《工作時間及休假制度》 •早班:10:30~19:00(六日須提前上一小時上班) •晚班:16:30~01:00 •吃飯+休息時間30分鐘,休假皆可自排 •排休制月休最少八日,國定假日調移。 《員工福利》 •享勞、健保、勞退休金6%提撥制度。 •上班日免費供一餐。 •三節禮金
  • 廚房助手(請來電手機應徵)

    月薪 40000~60000元 台北市萬華區 工作經歷不拘
  • 廚房油炸熟手

    月薪 40000~60000元 台北市萬華區 工作經歷不拘
    廚房油炸40000(工作滿一個月立即調薪) 年終獎金 全勤獎金 三節獎金 績效獎金 圓工聚餐 尾牙 員工制服 免費供餐 每日下午固定空班 月休六天 自由排班
  • 直播主助理/助理/周休二日

    月薪 40000~60000元 新北市中和區 工作經歷不拘
    協助主播介紹商品 反應靈敏 口齒清晰 學習銷售技巧 專人教導 周休二日 高額抽成 只要您肯努力堅持夢想,歡迎您加入 :) 工作內容: 1.使用FB直播 2.了解產品功能資訊等等 歡迎來電(02)3234-2460 楊小姐 黃政維全球精品粉絲團粉絲專頁: https://www.facebook.com/%E9%BB%83%E6%94%BF%E7%B6%AD%E5%85%A8%E7%90%83%E7%B2%BE%E5%93%81%E7%B2%89%E7%B5%B2%E5%9C%98-101051194629774/
  • 智慧建築業務部維修專員(弱電系統)

    月薪 35000元 台北市內湖區 工作經歷不拘
  • Senior Credit Associate, ICM Credit Analysis (FI), Hybrid

    面議(經常性薪資達4萬元或以上) 40000元 台北市信義區 2~3年工作經驗
    At Citi, we get to connect millions of people across hundreds of cities and countries every day. And we‘ve been doing it for more than 200 years. We do this through our unparalleled global network. We provide a broad range of financial services and products to our clients – whether they be consumers, corporations, governments or institutions – to help them meet their biggest opportunities and face the world‘s toughest challenges. Shape your Career with Citi We’re currently looking for a high caliber professional to join our team as Assistant Vice President, ICM Risk Analysis, Hybrid based in Taipei Taiwan. Being part of our team means that we’ll provide you with the resources to meet your unique needs, empower you to make healthy decision and manage your financial well-being to help plan for your future. ICM Risk Analysis (IRAUs) is an integral part of the Institutional Credit Management (〝ICM〝) organization. The IRAU‘s mandate is to deliver best-in-class credit risk analysis, monitoring and credit administration as a partner to Risk and Banking‘s shared commitment to ensuring the safety and soundness of wholesale lending. ICM Risk Analysis Credit Risk Associates are responsible for a portfolio of Risk Relationships, owning the Credit Risk Analysis for those relationships, and being responsible for the continuous monitoring of that portfolio. That includes the production of Annual Reviews, Quarterly Reviews, and the support to Ad-Hoc Transactions and Portfolio & Industry Reviews and Stress Testing. Key Responsibilities: Assess the credit and financial strength of Citi’s most complex Large Corporate, Public Sector, and Financial Institutions Clients by performing fundamental credit analysis of counterparties using both quantitative and qualitative factors Complete Credit Analysis Write-up Memos and Final Obligor Risk Ratings of Citi’s Counterparties based on independent assessment and judgement completed on the due diligence of the client and industry knowledge to provide appropriate extensions of credit remaining within Risk appetite Continuous monitoring of the covered portfolio, including following industry trends, impacts to key relationships, and escalation of potential credit issues to Credit Risk Team Leads, Risk and Banking partners Reviewing and providing recommendation on the risk raking across this sector Partnership with applicable regional and industry stakeholders in Banking and Independent Risk in the implementation of credit assessment and monitoring standards for applicable portfolios Support ICG Risk Analysis Voice of the Employee (VOE) initiatives Travel (less than 10%) Demonstrable financial services experience, including 3-5 years of credit experience in Banking, Credit Risk Management or equivalent credit experience, preferred FI ( Finical institution ) experience mainly. Strong knowledge of Wholesale Credit Processes and organizational awareness including IRAU functions, covered portfolios, and processes Sound understanding of policies and procedures with the ability to execute change seamlessly Well-developed analytical skills, including an understanding of key financial components (liquidity position, leverage profile with the ability to form independent opinions on credit and recognize emerging risks Solid and thorough knowledge of Citi´s systems Experience in preparing presentations for seniors Skills/Competencies: Assists colleagues in identifying stretch opportunities to elevate individual and team performance Coach and mentor analysts to develop team strengths and improve weaknesses Proven culture carrier Well-developed interpersonal skills, with the ability to build relationships and exert influence with and without direct authority Strong organizational skills with ability and willingness to work under pressure and manages time and priorities effectively
  • 弱電工程師-工作地點台中市

    月薪 35000元 台中市太平區 1~2年工作經驗
    因本公司為國際企業,依照世界標準 每一季調整職業等級(績效獎金提升) 每一年四月調薪(底薪調整) 1.門禁、監視、對講、BA系統工程 2.線路佈放 3.網路維修經驗障礙排除及線路的定期檢查、維護,並排除異常故障 4.負責通信測試、配線、施工等技術工作 5.能適應工地、工廠等作業環境,工作涵蓋管路架設及線路佈放 6.須配合案場狀況動態調整工作地點及時間,必要狀況時,得配合加班。 7.有監控、弱電工程經驗,能獨立作業尤佳,無經驗亦可。 『公司提供專業教育訓練』 獎金福利說明: 1. 三節獎金:2月、5月、9月 2. 享勞健保 3. 不定期聚餐 4.可調整職等:3月.6月.9月.12月$500~$1000 績效獎金 5.年薪14個
  • 應用運維工程師(越南)

    面議(經常性薪資達4萬元或以上) 40000元 東南亞越南 5~6年工作經驗
    1. 公司網路整體架構的規劃設計與建置實施 2. 資訊機房設施管理與建置 3. 負責根據業務需求,對網路進行改進和優化 4. 負責公司越南網路監控平臺的建設和實施 5. 負責越南廠區應用系統上線所需的網路架構設計與評估 6. OA網路工程建置、骨幹網路建設與維護、改造 7. 資訊安全建置評估以及資安系統的維護管理
  • 專案駐點工程師

    月薪 38000~45000元 台北市文山區 3~4年工作經驗
    1. 於客戶端駐點服務/伺服器日常維護作業/AD管理/作業系統操作執行。 2. 執行作業系統基本操作、彙整維護報告等。 3. 維護客戶端資訊系統、應用服務安裝配置管理 。 4. 監控機房資訊系統、設備及線路運作。 5. 具備伺服器管理維護、作業系統操作之工作經驗兩年以上。
  • 系統維運工程師-F75E

    月薪 50000元 台北市中正區 5~6年工作經驗
    1.操作及維護 windows 2012 - 2019設定及相關服務(含AD、DNS、SCCM、WSUS、printer、file Server等)。 2.操作及維護VMWare vSphere 6.5 - 7.0設定及相關服務(ESXi、VSAN等)。 3.操作及維護備份還原處理(EMC AVAMAR & VEEAM),infra例行作業相關設定。 4.操作及維護VMWare與Server、Storage、NAS界接,熟悉資訊基礎架構,了解網路、系統、資料庫相互關係。 5.資訊文件處理、報告整理。
  • 就近工作 就近工作