

轉職熱搜 |



  • 營運行銷主管_知名機車大廠 (3006076)

    面議(經常性薪資達4萬元或以上) 台南市山上區 工作經歷不拘
    職責要求 1.市場分析與定價評估商品賣點、市場接受度、可能競品與潛在銷售對象 2.競品資訊蒐集與觀察 3.定價分析與建議 4.目標客群之行銷與宣傳 5.鎖定行銷對象,撰寫顧客描述 6.擬定行銷策略與排程 7.管理與維運對應之網站與平台 8.行銷課程訂定 任職資格 1.熟英日文 2.具國際行銷經驗
  • 行銷經理_某知名網路公司 (3001869)

    面議(經常性薪資達4萬元或以上) 台北市信義區 5~6年工作經驗
    職責要求 1. 負責推廣活動的企劃案創意發想、活動內容規畫與執行,具有統籌執行專案活動能力,能負責公司對外的行銷公關活動與媒體活動,並對其效益進行分析與建議。 2. 負責網路、平面媒體露出,制訂公關策略,包括媒體議題操作、洽談及執行公關或品牌合作機會,展現企業價值力。 3. 撰寫新聞稿、文宣素材及發布訊息。 4. 媒體關係管理與媒體議題規劃。 5. 官網內容文案設計與後續維護。 任職資格 1. 具有科技產業行銷經歷。 2. 五年以上公關行銷或活動企劃相關經驗,具管理團隊、品牌概念、媒體規劃等經歷。
  • 電子商務處主管_某知名產險公司 (3004019)

    面議(經常性薪資達4萬元或以上) 台北市大安區 3~4年工作經驗
    職責要求 1.網路投保整體業務管理推動。 2.擬定網路投保行銷計畫與執行。 3.擬定網投商品之營運銷售計畫 4.蒐集市場和同業訊息,提供有效應對方案。 5.業績追蹤與績效檢討。 6.主管交辦事項。 任職資格 1.大學 2.行銷企劃 3- 5 年以上 3.熟GA及SEO和各項行銷工具,具產險背景尤佳
  • 數位行銷CRM資深主任_知名服飾品牌 (3005704)

    面議(經常性薪資達4萬元或以上) 台北市松山區 3~4年工作經驗
    職責要求 * 針對會員消費習性,運用CRM工具,規劃跨渠道會員溝通路徑 * 會員及商品標籤tag系統規格制定,與工程師討論標籤專案導入及優化 * 與行銷團隊協作優化各式會員溝通素材 * 跨渠道的會員溝通管理,包括EDM、簡訊、Web Push、LINE、APP等 * 監控會員資料庫統計大數據,和客戶建議,設定受眾、進行成效分析、提出優化建議 任職資格 * 電商經驗三年以上,CRM經驗兩年以上
  • 策略營運總監~副總_知名行銷公司 (3005829)

    面議(經常性薪資達4萬元或以上) 台北市松山區 5~6年工作經驗
    職責要求 1.依據公司策略與發展制定平台營銷計畫 2.具4A綜合代理商或數位代理商經驗六年/五年以上 3.熟網路工具並掌握網路行銷趨勢 4.熟網路專家的執行過程,能精準掌控專家進度 5.具有廣告企劃及業務專業能力 6.善於策略布局,並擁有卓越的領導及溝通協調能力 7.能精準掌握市場動態、客戶需求、維繋客戶關係 任職資格 1.自我管理、邏輯清晰、高抗壓性、不畏困難 2.勇於挑戰、對數字有敏感度 3.具英文能力佳
  • E-commerce 電子商務業務主管_知名生技公司 (3005788)

    面議(經常性薪資達4萬元或以上) 台北市內湖區 工作經歷不拘
    職責要求 1.熟悉各大電子商務各大外部購物平台momo 、PC home、yahoo、蝦皮電商系統營運、企劃並執行提升績效 2.根據兩品牌通路策略,達成外部電商業績目標與損益目標 3.負責管理平台商品維護、價格控管、每檔期活動安排、固定曝光量 4.與行銷部合作,資源整合利用廣告媒體案以推動外部電商檔期業績 5.統籌並協調各單位順利執行電商部日常訂單、出貨、進倉、退貨、退換貨、客訴等處理 6.與各平台採購客情維護 7.其他主管交辦事項等 任職資格 1.有業績達成經驗者佳 2.具備善溝通、主動、時間及自我管理能力者佳
  • Marketing Leader(3001566)

    面議(經常性薪資達4萬元或以上) 台北市中山區 5~6年工作經驗
    職責要求 1.會員經營 1.1 擬定會員數據之分析策略。 1.2 捕捉會員價值及其貢獻之成長機會。 1.3 制定會員分群之經營規劃,以持續優化會員經營策略。 1.4 多管道蒐集市場情報,以開展新通路或商業模式。 2.整合行銷 2.1 規劃並清楚傳達全站行銷活動藍圖予下屬及其他部門或其他事業體。 2.2 指標數據成長:集客數、活躍會員數、轉換率及營業額等等。 2.3 洽談及維繫跨業策略聯盟之行銷合作。 任職資格 【基本條件】 1.規劃與從事數位行銷 5 年以上經驗。 2.抗壓性高,能背負 KPI 執行壓力。 3.良好的溝通能力及豐富的團隊建設及管理經驗。 4.英語能力中上。 5.具有數據導向思惟與良好且明快的決策能力。 6.領導 5 人以上之團隊經驗。 【加分條件】 1.電子商務相關 3 年以上從業經驗。 2.具跨國團隊合作經驗。 3.習慣快速的工作節奏。 4.熟悉各式數據分析工具,如: MySQL 等等。 5.具有執行 PDCA 循環式品質管理方法之經驗。 6.從事航空業、銀行信用卡或百貨零售業者優。 7.電商產業者優。
  • Global Product Marketing Associated Director_知名電腦公司 (3004231)

    面議(經常性薪資達4萬元或以上) 台北市北投區 工作經歷不拘
    職責要求 1. Lead more than 6 persons team to create effective Global GTM strategies for Display, Projector, Networking. 2. Work with design teams, freelancer and agencies to create marketing assets including web pages, banner, posters, POSM etc. 3. Understand the target audience and be able to outline marketing messaging to reach them - including key feature prioritization, value proposition statements, product page copy, etc. 4. Design and execute compelling global marketing campaigns that engage the target audience while promoting targeted sub-brands and products. 5. Perform product testing to understand new features and the end-user perspective. 6. Coordinate with global and local teams to implement strategies, execute campaigns, and release assets. 7. Actively seek out and execute synergistic projects with ecosystem categories. 8. Track category project and asset performance using various KPIs - use the data to continually refine processes and materials. 任職資格 1. Good communication and coordination skills 2. Independent, creative with drive, willingness to learn 3. Exhibit creative thinking with a keen attention to detail 4. Requires a can-do attitude and ability to handle multiple tasks at the same time 5. Capable of working under pressure 6. An understanding of Gaming or electronics is preferred, although not necessary 7. PR agency, or creative agency with product marketing(Not product Manager/project manager) related work experience is preferred 8. Good English and Mandarin speaking and writing ability. 9. PR agency, or creative agency with product marketing(Not product Manager/project manager) related work experience is preferred 10. An understanding of Gaming or electronics is preferred
  • Marketing Manager_某知名運動品牌公司 (3003758)

    面議(經常性薪資達4萬元或以上) 台北市中正區 5~6年工作經驗
    職責要求 【Brand Development】 (1)Development brand strategy to achieve annual goals and enhance brand awareness. (2)Shaping and maintaining brand image and developing media communication strategy. (3)Creates comprehensive action plans for all marketing projects with the aim to maximize brand and new product exposure while maximizing efficiencies. (4)Cross-departmental communication and planning for the management of allocated budget. (5)To master consumer behavior, market trends and competitive information. 【Marketing Planning】 (1)Based on brand strategy, working with Greater China and Singapore, using global marketing resources to plan for integrated marketing and marketing activities. (2)Cooperation with the product department, for the annual goal and sales target, planning the main product marketing activities. (3)Collaborate the wholesale and retail department of direct cooperation, for access and consumer demand, to help access activities. (4)Provision and control of monthly and annual budgets. 【E-Commerce】 (1) Achieving Monthly and Annual Performance Objectives: Combine marketing resources to increase the browsing rate and return rate to facilitate conversion rates. (2)Collaborate the headquarters and marketing department of direct cooperation, to develop annual plans and e-commerce platform development. 【Third Party Cooperation】 (1)PR: Media relations maintain and shape brand image and crisis management that meet the target audience communication. (2)Media procurement: targeted advertising for the target to enhance brand awareness and guide consumers to buy. (3)Activities: the implementation of the promotion of brand marketing activities and guide consumers to buy. (4)The official website and community website: use for headquarters marketing resources and data analysis, the official website maintenance and community management, providing real-time information and promote consumer interaction, to achieve the actual situation. 【Personnel Management】 Lead and manage marketing planning, visual display and e-commerce employees, achieve company goals and develop personal career. 任職資格 (1)Strong understanding and experience in sports, marketing, and e-commerce. (2)5-7 years of Marketing experience with the ability to motivate and provide professional development. (3)Thorough knowledge of marketing principles, demand generation, brand, sales and business development; along with a demonstrated track record of success and performance. (4)Advanced experience working with a variety of traditional and modern marketing functions including: branding and marketing to different target audience. (5)Must be a team player with an ability to work effectively across multiple stakeholders and disciplines. (6)Highly self-organized with proven ability to prioritize activities and manage deliverables to completion in a high-pressure environment. Consistent exercise of independent judgment and discretion in matters of significance. (7)Possess high integrity, proven judgment, and a strong work ethic. (8)Clear demonstration of internal cross-functional partnership and collaboration. (9)Bachelor‘s degree. MBA preferred. 英文精通 (10)Multilingual a big plus.
  • 互聯網經理_某知名鋼鐵公司 (3002945)

    面議(經常性薪資達4萬元或以上) 台北市內湖區 工作經歷不拘
    職責要求 1.電商行銷運作 任職資格 1.有臺灣電商運行經驗,具行銷方面經驗 2.熟悉電商平臺操作,曾領導電商團隊運行 3.精通英文 4.熟悉電子產品開發 5.大學以上
  • 就近工作 就近工作