

轉職熱搜 |



  • 品質管理課長_知名電子公司 (3004197)

    面議(經常性薪資達4萬元或以上) 高雄市仁武區 5~6年工作經驗
    職責要求 1. 年間品質改善計劃之立案及推進 2. 品質管理手法・基準之設定及製造品質・規格管理 3. 製造品質之維持・改善及預防管理 4. 顧客對應及外部客訴對應・處置 5. 維持製品規格之總括管理 6. ISO品質/環境系統的經營、維持、管理、對應定期審査 任職資格 1.電氣/電子製造業之品質管理有經驗者佳 2.TOEIC 730以上 3.專科以上學歷 4.5年以上工作經歷
  • 市場管理經理(商用PC)_知名電腦公司 (3004239)

    面議(經常性薪資達4萬元或以上) 台北市北投區 8~9年工作經驗
    職責要求 1. The Country Manager plays the role of managing an assigned market with sales driven and target oriented minds. The role is devoted to grow business against competition through 4P strategy and optimized profits and market share align with BU goal. 2. Being the major window at BU HQ of communicating and aligning strategy between HQ and countries 3. Product portfolio guidance suggestion and review 4. Market research and competition analysis 5. Business target hit-rate management 6. Supply chain pipeline management 7. Support sales activities and needs 8. Coordinate all region related topics 9. Talent development 任職資格 1. Good at communication and coordination 2. 具商用電腦產業相關工作經驗和知識(若工作經驗皆與商用電腦直接相關,工作經驗8年以上;若工作經驗無商用電腦,偏消費性電子產品為主,至少間接經驗13-15年) 3. 具數字敏感度 4. 主動發掘並解決問題的能力 5. 流利英文能力
  • 資深人力資源管理師_知名保險公司 (3005934)

    面議(經常性薪資達4萬元或以上) 台北市松山區 10~11年工作經驗
    職責要求 1. 協助規劃與執行招募遴選、任用、人事調動及組織設計案等事宜。 2. 負責統整管理海外子公司各項人資制度及作業運作。 3. 處理勞資關係等相關案件及議題。 4. 因應勞動相關法令調整,修訂並優化內部作業流程規劃。 5. 提供多元化人力資源管理解決方案。 6. 協助公司其他政策之推動及主管交辦事項。 任職資格 1. 具HR Full function經驗或10年經驗以上人力資源管理及海外管理經驗。 2. 具帶領並執行人資專案經驗,組織能力、執行力及抗壓性佳。 3. 熟稔勞動相關法令、良好勞資關係維繫及協商能力。 4. 具良好溝通說服能力、跨部門意見溝通與整合能力。 5. 英文聽說讀寫能力佳。
  • 健身器材製造商_歐洲線銷售業務管理主管(3004525)

    面議(經常性薪資達4萬元或以上) 台中市大雅區 6~7年工作經驗
    1. 擬定與執行所轄國家銷售策略以達成營業及利潤目標 2. 開拓所轄國家各行銷管道及市占率 3. 當地子公司經營管理及改善專案協調或經銷商篩選與輔導 4. 集團品牌推廣與提升 5. 集團策略方向及公司政策執行
  • IOT物聯網業務開發主管_理級_知名電腦大廠 (3005727)

    面議(經常性薪資達4萬元或以上) 台北市內湖區 工作經歷不拘
    職責要求 1. 國內外物聯網產品OEM/ODM新客戶開發與業務拓展。 2. OEM/ODM物聯網市場趨勢蒐集與新產品提案。 任職資格 1. 善於跨部門溝通,負責客戶與研發團隊之專案執行。 2. 有AR/VR glass產品經驗尤佳。 3. 具備海外市場拓展業務主管經驗8年以上者佳。 4. 熟悉國內外物聯網市場。 5. 具備良好的溝通技巧。
  • 電控研發主管(理級以上)_知名半導體設備公司 (3005743)

    面議(經常性薪資達4萬元或以上) 新竹縣寶山鄉 10~11年工作經驗
    職責要求 1. 帶領團隊開發設備機台 2. 帶領團隊開發設備機台零配件 3. 帶領團隊開發設備機台零配件維修技術 4. 完成客戶委託之專案 5. 負責公司研發計畫 6. 制定產品線走向 任職資格 1. 熟悉機械設計原理 2. 熟程式語言;Laview; C++, Maltab 3. 熟電子電路原理 4. 熟PLC 控制 5. 有管理四人以上研發團隊經驗 6. 具備半導體經驗十年以上
  • 業秘課課長/高級管理師【高雄廠】_知名金屬加工大廠公司 (3005965)

    面議(經常性薪資達4萬元或以上) 高雄市湖內區 5~6年工作經驗
    職責要求 【業秘課課長】 1.業秘team管理工作。 2.集團與跨部門溝通協調。 3.部門目標KPI&PI達成與管控。 4.專案執行與管控。 5.部門預算編列與管控。 6.稽核作業。 【業秘管理師】 1.接單審查作業:客戶訂單審查、下單作業處理維護、圖面繪製及續單追蹤。 2.交期協調及應收帳款相關作業:a.掌握及跟催生產進度,跨部門溝通及協調以提供客戶滿意之交期。b.應收帳款催收及沖款作業 3.異常反應互動處理:進料及生產品質異常反應及退貨處理。 4.行政作業處理:品質審核及回覆及日常營運相關報表之資料製作及分析整理。 任職資格 【業秘課課長】 1.大學以上商科科系畢業 2.5年以上業秘/助經驗,3年管理經驗 3.有螺絲業經驗尤佳 4.台語中等 5.具產業數據分析、成本估算及銷售資訊分析能力 6.熟悉MS/Office/ERP,Excel需有函數及樞紐操作能力 【業秘管理師】 1.專科以上畢業 2.相關工作經驗8年以上 3.諳一般會計基礎、訂單審查基礎、報表分析基礎、基本製造流程及客戶服務理論 4.熟悉MS/Office/ERP,Excel需有基本函數及樞紐操作能力
  • 車用零組件廠_Innovation Project Leader(3004544)

    面議(經常性薪資達4萬元或以上) 台南市仁德區 工作經歷不拘
    1. Compilation of project target/task/timing incl. resource and budget plans. 2. Control of the budgeted project costs, taking countermeasures at deviation or communication on budget adjustment for research projects in accordance with N+1 (eventually N+2) Innovation (NER, SER, NAO, ES, IN). 3. Compilation and follow-up of project plans, creation of concept matrices and feasibility studies in accordance with corresponding departments: GTS (Global Technology & Standards), Testing, CAX, PPV, Industrial Design, IAD, ISPS, Costing, Purchasing, Marketing, CE, Development Quality & in line with Innovation Global Domain Manager (GDM). 4. Compilation and building of Innovation Validation Plans (based on conceptional study results, risk analysis (incl. FMEA’s), internal & external functional analysis etc) according to FIS innovation process in co-operation and accordance with the corresponding GTS/GDM. 5. Project reviews: Monthly project review with key stakeholders (e.g. GDM, Marketing, IAD, design, costing, purchasing, Senior Regional Manager (SRM)...) and other participants (Product Line, simulation, etc) depending on the project phase. PDCA / minutes to be issued (with partcipant list and diffusion list for actions), major points, decision and action plan needed for each review. 6. Documentation of research results in the form of research reports, presentations, drawings/ sketches, models, prototypes, concept part lists and results from simulation calculations etc. 7. Preparation and presentation of the project milestone at the relevant Innovation Committees (MIC) in accordance with the Innovation Process & the respective MIC templates (on the iNet). 8. Ensure patent protection of innovative solutions in close cooperation with the Intellectual Assets Department (IAD). 9. Responsible to maintain ‘live’ Project Folder on iNet, e.g. monthly updating of ID card, monthly version of project review, removal of obsolete versions of files etc 10. Publication of results in the knowledge management system after alignment with the relevant GTS, GDM & Engineering Quality. 11. Ensures alignment with Concept Engineering and GTS to communicate and assure good transfer of innovation projects into serial development involving the key account managers/GDM/Marketing/SRM. • Co-operation with external development partners aligned with IAD/GTS/GDM/SRM. Guidance of suppliers in pre-development projects. 12. Co-operation with FIS Innovation departments in Meru (France), Valencia (Spain) & Pune (India). 13. Acts cost-consciously in all aspects of business (project, travel etc) 14. Supervision of innovation engieers and functional team member(industrial design, GTS, PTE etc.)
  • Program Manager_某知名顧問公司 (3003854)

    面議(經常性薪資達4萬元或以上) 新竹市東區 5~6年工作經驗
    職責要求 1.The Program Manager is accountable to the Core Team Leads to ensure timely delivery of products (or tasks) to both external and internal customers by providing day to day direction to the local manufacturing team as directed by the Core Team Leads. For programs in development and prototype phases, the PM helps ensure the product is manufacturable and all critical processes and Contract Manufacturers are production ready and key risk mitigation factors are identified and addressed. For products in sustaining phase, the PM helps ensure products are delivered on time, review the capacity & material readiness, coordinates qualifications and experiments, and escalates issues to the Core Team. The PM must attend the weekly Core Team meetings and report status of each project assignment 2.Communicates direction from PMO to suppliers and provides project coordination & prioritization 3.Helps troubleshoot and resolve issues affecting shipments 任職資格 1.5+ years of experience in production start-up, electronics manufacturing and/or manufacturing engineering, or operations program/project management, better to have the experience with micro-electronics manufacturing 2.Ability to drive and monitor continuous improvement by applying Lean Six Sigma tools and initiatives. 3.Ability to lead a complex project with Operations focus from new product development thru fulfillment of mature products 4.Ability to analyze and act to mitigate risk 5.Ability to implement, track, and manage cost controls to meet negotiated cost reduction objectives 6.Ability to lead a matrixed, cross-functional team to achieve desired schedule, cost, and quality targets 7.Excellent organization and communications skills are desired 8.PC literacy with competency in MS Office, project management, product collaboration SW 9.Bachelor’s degree in a technical field(hardware oriented EE, ME or IE) 10.Knowledge in ERP software tools with strong preference for Oracle and Agile experience 11.Good communication skill via English & Chinese (verbal / written), Thai as the plus 12.Ability to travel up to 75% of the time in Taiwan and worldwide.
  • 工務部主管_某知名工程公司 (3001889)

    面議(經常性薪資達4萬元或以上) 高雄市三民區 10~11年工作經驗
    職責要求 1.負責高雄工務所營運管理,包含業務推展、人事選用調派及培訓。 2.負責工程專案成本估算、協調管理。 任職資格 1.專科以上 (機械、土木、管理相關工程_ 2.機械建造工程10年以上和工務經理5年以上 3.熟悉AUTO CAD,Project。
  • 就近工作 就近工作