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  • 電商美編設計人員-月薪32000~42000元

    月薪 32000~42000元 桃園市楊梅區 1~2年工作經驗
    【工作內容】 熟悉Photoshop/Illustrator等繪圖軟體。 1.設計製作商品內文、網頁BANNER、各平台廣告宣傳圖 2.商品基本影片拍攝、後製剪輯 (具影片製片後製能力者佳) 3.商品基本形象照 拍攝、修圖等影像處理 4.協助產品圖片網站上架 5.主管交辦事項 【條件經歷】 ●需會使用PS、AI、PR等相關設計軟體經驗(軟體不限制,你會都可以!) ●常滑FB、IG,對於網路廣告呈現畫面感有概念 ●喜愛挑戰、態度積極、細心負責、學習力強、溝通能力佳 ●對於設計畫面美感與成品,具有自我審斷能力 ●適合想多發揮自我創意想法、多風格展現的夥伴來大展身手! ●有電商經驗者可加分! 公司基本福利 員工旅遊、年終獎金、工作獎金、員購優惠、開工紅包 休閒設施、尾牙或春酒、下午茶、員工聚餐、節慶獎金 另外依據工作表現程度,有設置每月每季獎金 歡迎對自己有信心、有能力的人一起共同成長 此為公司銷售網站和公司經營粉絲頁 https://www.enjoy-thelife.com/ https://www.facebook.com/FavoriteLife/ 公司內已有美編和粉絲頁經營的人可以直接教學,只要有企圖心,有衝勁的夥伴都十分歡迎 請在履歷中,盡可能提供自己的相關作品,以供參考
  • 企業公關行銷專員/資專

    面議(經常性薪資達4萬元或以上) 40000元 台北市松山區 1~2年工作經驗
    1.Responsible for PR ideation, planning activities in the marketing calendar at all levels (cooperate & category promotion, CSR, local & regional initiatives, store specific campaign, supplier co-op campaign 2.Able to lead and make positive influence across cross-function teams involve marketing teammates Trading, Operation, People & external partner PR & Event agency to ensure each campaign deliver its KPI. 3.Able to take task brief from various sources. 4.Able to debrief to PR /Ad agency or other cross-functional team members with clear directions, timelines, and deliverable after absorbing and alignment of the brief given. 5.Ability to manage the media crisis and aligns Call Center, Operation and Buyers to prevent crisis happens. 6.Ability to do event management. 7.Ability to do media relationship management. 8.Able to manage the detailed and process-oriented logistics. 9.Your day to day management and main area of responsibilities are: (1) Daily Clipping & regular reports (2) Promotional/NPD communication (3) Media/Influencer Communication/Supplier Cooperation/Relationship Management (4) Work with People depart for Employee Branding Execution (5) Social listening and marketing climate tracking in terms of potential crisis, trends catching (6) media crisis management (7) media inquiry management (8) PR calendar management (9) store communication – for media requests (10) Group PR communication – regular reports 10.Work with Supervisor & PR Agency in terms of annual PR strategy
  • 美工小編

    月薪 30000~36000元 台中市大里區 0~1年工作經驗
    1.獨立完成影片企劃製作:主題發想、撰寫腳本、影(照)片拍攝內容 2.熟悉後期影片剪輯軟體(AE、PR):影像圖片編輯、梗圖、特效、字幕、音樂配樂 .... 等。 3.運用不同多媒體軟體,製作小型動態影片。 4.負責網站、FB、IG 群所需圖片及文案進行發想、拍攝、設計、美編、上架與撰寫。 5.具美術設計基礎,需協助其他視覺設計需求。 6.具責任感,善於溝通協調,並協助影(照)片拍攝。 7.獨立完成主管其它交辦事項
  • Marketing-Corporate Public Relations Specialist/Sr. Specialist

    面議(經常性薪資達4萬元或以上) 40000元 台北市松山區 1~2年工作經驗
    1.Responsible for PR ideation, planning activities in the marketing calendar at all levels (cooperate & category promotion, CSR, local & regional initiatives, store specific campaign, supplier co-op campaign 2.Able to lead and make positive influence across cross-function teams involve marketing teammates Trading, Operation, People & external partner PR & Event agency to ensure each campaign deliver its KPI. 3.Able to take task brief from various sources. 4.Able to debrief to PR /Ad agency or other cross-functional team members with clear directions, timelines, and deliverable after absorbing and alignment of the brief given. 5.Ability to manage the media crisis and aligns Call Center, Operation and Buyers to prevent crisis happens. 6.Ability to do event management. 7.Ability to do media relationship management. 8.Able to manage the detailed and process-oriented logistics. 9.Your day to day management and main area of responsibilities are: (1) Daily Clipping & regular reports (2) Promotional/NPD communication (3) Media/Influencer Communication/Supplier Cooperation/Relationship Management (4) Work with People depart for Employee Branding Execution (5) Social listening and marketing climate tracking in terms of potential crisis, trends catching (6) media crisis management (7) media inquiry management (8) PR calendar management (9) store communication – for media requests (10) Group PR communication – regular reports 10.Work with Supervisor & PR Agency in terms of annual PR strategy
  • 錢櫃總公司-歡樂行銷 業務企劃專員

    月薪 33000~38000元 台北市信義區 1~2年工作經驗
    1. 依公司或顧客需求,規畫活動專案及執行、資料統計及分析 2. 規劃公司或顧客對外的行銷活動與媒體活動,並對其效益進行分析與建議 3. 與各部門溝通,以了解活動執行相關細節,為企劃案發想 4. 負責撰寫行銷企畫書,並對公司或顧客說明企劃案內容 5. 依公司指派之客戶,協調活動執行所需知各項前置作業與事後統計工作 ●月薪內含浮動薪資-出勤獎勵金2000元
  • Business Development / Marketing Manager(Amsterdam, Netherlands)

    月薪 50000元 西歐荷蘭 工作經歷不拘
    Description Seneca ESG is a sustainability software solutions firm that primarily services the ESG needs of investment firms and corporate issuers. SenecaESG’s software platform streamlines the data collection process for ESG reporting and enables clients to create custom scorecards to provide real-time visibility on ESG metrics and facilitate ESG baseline assessment and target settings. With offices in Singapore, Taipei, and Shanghai, SenecaESG is continuing to expand the team in Asia-Pac and abroad. Find out more on our website: www.SenecaESG.com Responsibilities • Utilize your network to source and cultivate relationships with potential clients, understanding their unique business needs. • Conduct Introduction and Demo calls to showcase the value proposition of our solutions. • Craft, negotiate, and close proposals with potential clients and manage renewals for existing clients. • Serve as a customer success agent, guiding clients through onboarding processes, advising on system integration, data structure, and facilitating user training. • Collaborate with internal cross-functional teams to incubate, launch, and scale new features and user experiences. • Represent Seneca ESG at industry events, building relationships, and identifying industry trends and market opportunities. • Develop and maintain market knowledge for strategic decision-making. • Develop marketing strategies leveraging product launches to drive revenue growth, demand, and awareness. • Lead the company’s messaging process to ensure corporate messages are relevant, consistent, and differentiated. • Craft a compelling employer brand to attract top talent. • Execute and optimize PR & marketing programs, including demand generation email campaigns, livestreams, sponsorships, trade shows, and events. • Drive online presence through effective website and social media strategies. Qualifications and Experience: • Fluent in English. • 2-4 years of experience as a Marketing Manager. • Prior experience in sustainability consulting at a Big 4 or major consultancy, or in ESG data/ratings from a reputable ESG services provider. • Proven track record as a self-starter with the ability to multi-task and prioritize. • Experience with enterprise-focused technology companies is preferred. • Excellent written and verbal communication skills. • Strong technical aptitude with knowledge in internet technologies. • Proficiency in influencing and negotiating at an executive level. • Highly flexible and adaptive, with a strong bias for action. • Demonstrated ability to deal with ambiguity and manage multiple simultaneous projects.
  • 行銷主管/專員

    月薪 28000~36000元 彰化縣大村鄉 工作經歷不拘
    1. 餐飲、高爾夫、精品各活動企劃執行。 2.行銷製作物規劃執行。 3.異業結盟及關係企業資源整合。 4.大眾傳媒聯繫窗口。 5.品牌經營維持及推廣。 6.公關活動規劃執行。 7.媒體新聞稿撰寫。 8.擅長多媒體剪輯後製者佳。
  • 美編行銷廣告/專案管理師

    時薪 185~500元 新竹市東區 工作經歷不拘
  • 品牌公關活動企劃專員(職涯發展部)

    月薪 37000~45000元 台北市松山區 1~2年工作經驗
    - 線上/實體活動提案發想與策劃執行 - 網紅行銷策略提案發想與策劃執行 - 活動現場音控、燈控、直播及攝影等現場作業監督統籌管理 - 異業品牌/校園社團單位合作開發與關係維護 - 實體文宣/禮贈品等製作物規劃管理 - 撰寫結案報告、物資整理,並針對活動效益進行分析與建議 - 平台用戶關係維繫管理
  • 公關秘書

    面議(經常性薪資達4萬元或以上) 台北市松山區 3~4年工作經驗
    1.塑造及推廣集團整體形象 2.擬定特定議題、特定對象的公關策略 3.經營產官學合作對象關係 4.經營國內外媒體,進行合作 5.對外公關與媒體關係維持
  • 就近工作 就近工作