

轉職熱搜 |



  • 外商正職[全球最大風電發電機製造商] Office Administrator

    月薪 50000元 台北市中山區 工作經歷不拘
    1. Ensures proper flow of office procedures, and supports managers by carrying out common office duties 2. Assists in purchase request and orders for office supplier and commodities in pool categories 3. Handles expenses and billing cycles 4. Manages IT Inventory and support in annual asset taking 5. Manages outgoing post and records data on special deliveries 6. Arranges meetings by scheduling appropriate meeting times, booking rooms, and planning refreshments 7. Assists senior managers in business travel arrangement 8. Assists in planning and arranging events, including organizing catering 9. Ad hoc tasks requested by managers
  • 美商【Project Specialist】派遣至全球最大玻璃基板大廠

    面議(經常性薪資達4萬元或以上) 台北市中山區 工作經歷不拘
    • Support manager to plan and execute high-profile communication events, tasks include overall meeting arrangement and coordination, status tracking, weekly review meeting management, facilitation, comms. message distribution, video conferencing testing and logistics across four regions, feedback survey and analysis summary. o Extended Business Team meeting in November, which includes ~80 top leaders o Commercial Symposium in December, which includes ?120 commercial employees • Coordinate with regional communication representatives in Asia-Pacific for quarterly business updates, including content development, translation and feedback survey • Support manager for global commercial team meeting on quarterly basis; tasks include agenda setting, materials development and consolidation, facilitation, feedback survey and analysis summary, logistics, recognition, and other ad hoc requests. • Work with regional comms team member and external vendor for executive comms video/message editing, script translation, video subtitles and distribution • Manage multiple language translations of internal communication materials in a timely manner, including Japanese, Korean, Simplified and Traditional Chinese, and also urgent translation request from English to Traditional Chinese or Simplified Chinese, or vice versa. • Collaborate with functional and regional leaders to fulfill their internal communications requests
  • Localization Project Manager-App/Game Platform [Taipei]_知名軟體公司 (3007769)

    面議(經常性薪資達4萬元或以上) 台北市信義區 工作經歷不拘
    職責要求 - Localization project management experience and a clear understanding of the importance of communication with cross-function key stakeholders. - Linguistic expertise in Traditional Chinese for Taiwan, with experience including but not limited to: • Translation/localization, review and copywriting • Style guide and glossary maintenance • Linguistic/functional QA with bug filing - Able to work in a dynamic environment, with the ability to prioritize tasks and projects depending on urgency. - A go-getter with excellent problem-solving skills, detailed-oriented and excellent organizational skills. - Comfort and competence working on the Mac platform, using iOS and familiarity with UI terminology are necessary. - Familiarity with App/Game platforms, such as App Store. - Tech-savvy and possess the ability to learn new tools quickly. 任職資格 - BA/BSc degree in a related field is a plus. - Fluency in English and Traditional Chinese (TW) is required. - Passion in apps and games is a plus.
  • 香港最大微網紅平台-全遠端-行銷專員

    月薪 40000元 台北市松山區 工作經歷不拘
    Key Responsibilities: Lead and innovate in building and reinforcing Spread-it‘s brand identity across various digital platforms. Strategically manage and optimize ad placements on social media channels, particularly Facebook and Instagram, to attract young, vibrant micro-influencers. Develop and execute comprehensive marketing campaigns aimed at increasing brand awareness among our existing and potential brand clients. Collaborate with the sales teams to ensure cohesive brand messaging and campaign effectiveness. Monitor and analyze social media trends to keep our strategies ahead of the curve. Craft compelling content for platforms like LinkedIn and Instagram, tailored to our diverse audiences - from brand clients to micro-influencers. Direct and refine our Email Direct Marketing (EDM) initiatives, focusing on festival promotions and industry trend updates. Engage actively in the digital community to foster a robust network of influencers and brand partners. Qualifications:
  • MIS/IT網管_EMS電子代工廠 (3008050)

    面議(經常性薪資達4萬元或以上) 新北市中和區 工作經歷不拘
    職責要求 1.機房端伺服器、網路等基礎架構維護 2.用戶端電腦維護 (Help Desk) 3.資料及應用備份與備援 4.資訊安全管理及教育訓練 5.規劃和執行內部資訊系統建置 任職資格 1.伺服器網站管理維護 2.作業系統基本操作 3.資訊設備操作檢修 4.擅長工具:Vmware、Windows Server、MS SQL、AD、DNS、TCP/IP、Ethernet、Firewall...等 其他條件: 1.個性開朗,樂於助人 2.對IT的熱忱與學習的渴望
  • 系統維護工程師_知名紡織大廠 (3007787)

    面議(經常性薪資達4萬元或以上) 台北市信義區 工作經歷不拘
    職責要求 1. 協助總公司及海外資訊基建規劃實施。 2. 使用者電腦系統維護及報修作業處理。 任職資格 1. 具備cisco網路管理,防火牆,伺服器,Azure/AWS管理,並且具有評估及規劃能力 2. AD / Exchange 規劃管理 3. 虛擬環境操作架設實務Vmware/HyperV 4. 有shell script編寫能力者佳 5. 英文中等
  • Canada Sales VP~GM_知名電腦大廠 (3007454)

    面議(經常性薪資達4萬元或以上) 加拿大溫哥華 10~11年工作經驗
    職責要求 1. Work in Canada 2. Developing and implementing business strategies 3. Initiate the development of sales plans, business plans and product development plans. 4. Identify potential new and emerging opportunities 5. Deal with and resolve client complaints and internal issues 6. Overseeing daily business operations. 7. Evaluating performance and productivity. 8. Leading stafsf in the strategic development, integration and execution of the business plan to achieve organizational goals 9. Analyzing results against forecasts and presents to HQ CEO 10. Cultivating relationships with key decision makers 任職資格 1. Over 10 years of experience in networking, telecommunication or IPC industries. 2. At least 5 years of experience in business management and leads Sales/ Marketing team 3. BA or MA Degree in Business Management or Masters in Business Administration is plus 4. Strong business acumen and strong leadership skills 5. Bilingual (English/Mandarin) 6. Chinese is preferred and familiar with Chinese culture
  • PHP軟體開發工程師_知名家居品牌 (3006791)

    面議(經常性薪資達4萬元或以上) 新北市新莊區 2~3年工作經驗
    職責要求 1.開發與維運網站前後台 2.與開發團隊一起追尋研究能夠優化網路服務的新技術 3.與行銷、專案團隊有緊密互動,共同完成活動網頁與使用者意象資料收集的任務 4.新創與研究開發公司內部系統與串接 解決公司使用者需求與優化效率 5.平行化組織管理,開發過程中將會直接面對創辦人展現專業發揮創意,與不同業務型態的夥伴交流研討,共同學習成長 任職資格 1.熟悉 PHP 物件導向開發,具備至少 2 年以上PHP開發經驗 2.熟悉SQL、具備(T-SQL、MySQL) 開發使用經驗 3.具備前端技術經驗,ES6、jQuery、CSS 並能夠自在使用Ajax 4.會基礎 Linux 操作 5.具備 RESTful API開發設計經驗 6.具備 Git 版本控制相關使用知識 加分條件: 1.參與電商網站程式開發經驗者 或 ERP系統開發經驗者 2.具備 Magento2 or SAP B1 開發經驗 3.熟悉 Linux 及Shell Script等自動化工具撰寫經驗 4.具備緩存技術 Redis 經驗 5.熟悉 Github or GitLab 6.AWS or GCP 使用經驗 7.使用過 Docker 經驗 8.串接過第三方服務 (ex: google api, facebook api, line api, 綠界金流...etc)
  • Group CFO / Finance VP_知名電腦週邊大廠 (3007246)

    面議(經常性薪資達4萬元或以上) 新北市新店區 10~11年工作經驗
    職責要求 •負責管理集團財務部、會計部與 經營管理部,掌管與銀行籌、融資項目;負責管理公司財務團隊,包括資金調度、協助總經理進行公司短中長期發展策略規劃並執行推進 •公司經營情況分析、投資專案分析、財務分析、內控機制之管理、改善與輔導 •主導或參與公司重大事項的決策,妥善處理各種突發性事件,對問題發現、改善、達成向總經理回饋結果 •對財務部門的日常管理、資金預算、資金運作等進行總體控制,必要時,維護及修正財會務管理制度 •負責收入、成本、費用的審核及監督,及時核對應收應付款項及往來帳;管理公司稅務狀況,確認團隊按時完成稅務申報以及年度審計工作;管理各部門預算規劃、成效追蹤及成本分析系統 •覆核財務報表,並檢討公司各單位營運及預算執行狀況;擬訂公司財務投資規劃,規避投資風險 •配合公司營運發展及計劃,提供相關財務會計分析、財務預謷機制與風險管理;對財會務部門進行日常監督管理、資金預算、營運資金及融資規劃管理 任職資格 •Education : BA or above about Finance/Accounting related •Experience : At least 10 yrs in finance/accounting management about electrical ODM/OEM corporate and familiar with Taipei Exchange market administration.
  • IT/MIS 資訊人員_知名衛浴設備品牌 (3007172)

    面議(經常性薪資達4萬元或以上) 台北市信義區 工作經歷不拘
    1.公司網路設備、架構維護、IT機房維護、雲地混合維護(Azure) 2.公司相關主機、硬體維護 (伺服器、電腦、網路設備) 3.Windows Server & OS 管理及維護 (含AD、其他WinServer功能管理) 4.IT設備更新、更換(網路設備、伺服器、電腦、其他資訊設備)、資料更新整理 5.備份管理、企業BCP政策、本社&資安方針配合及實施 6.User HelpDesk 7.主管交辦事項
  • 就近工作 就近工作